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March 30, 2023

Agile Project Management 

Agile Project Management 

Describe the agile project management for a project where a Scrum master is facilitating the Scrum development process for a software development project. Include the following:

Part A     A description of agile project management.

Part B     The roles of the participants involved in the scrum approach.

Part C     A description of the six steps in the agile project management process.

Part A

A description of agile project management

Agile project management is a flexible, iterative approach to project management that emphasizes rapid development, flexibility to change, and customer satisfaction. In an agile project, the development process is divided into smaller, iterative cycles called “sprints,” which typically last a few weeks. During each sprint, a cross-functional team works to complete a set of predetermined tasks, or “user stories,” which are prioritized based on their value to the customer. The team meets daily to discuss progress and identify any obstacles in a short meeting called a “stand-up.” In a project where a Scrum master is facilitating the Scrum development process, the Scrum master is responsible for helping the team adhere to the Scrum framework and for removing any obstacles that may prevent the team from meeting its goals. According to Eriez & Mušić D. (2019), the Scrum master also facilitates the planning, review, and retrospective meetings, which are important components of the Scrum process.The planning meeting is held at the beginning of each sprint, during which the team determines which user stories it will work on during the sprint. The review meeting is held at the end of each sprint, during which the team demonstrates the work it has completed to the rest of the organization and receives feedback (Ibraimovaet al., 2019). The retrospective meeting is held after the review, during which the team reflects on the sprint and identifies areas for improvement. Agile project management is a collaborative, flexible approach that allows teams to rapidly develop and deliver high-quality products that meet the customer’s needs.


Part B

The roles of the participants involved in the scrum approach

The Scrum team, the Scrum master, and the product owner are the three main participants in the Scrum development process. The delivery of the product is the responsibility of the cross-functional Scrum team. Because the team is self-organizing and self-managing, it can choose the most effective way to complete the task. The team should be small enough to be agile and able to make quick decisions, and it should include all the skills and knowledge required to deliver the product.The Scrum master is a facilitator who helps the team follow the Scrum framework. Shastri et al., 2021 state that the Scrum master is not a traditional project manager but a servant leader who helps the team remove any obstacles that may prevent it from meeting its goals. The Scrum master also facilitates the planning, review, and retrospective meetings.The product owner represents the stakeholders and maximizes the product’s value. The product owner maintains the product backlog, a prioritized list of user stories representing the work the team will complete. The product owner ensures the product backlog is transparent, prioritized, and clearly understood by the team. In addition to these three primary roles, there may also be stakeholders, such as customers or subject matter experts, who provide input and feedback throughout the development process.

Part C

A description of the six steps in the agile project management process.

The agile project management process consists of six steps:

Identify the project vision and goals

The first step is to identify the project’s vision and goals. This involves working with stakeholders to understand the project’s purpose and what needs to be achieved.

Define the project scope

The second step is to define the scope of the project. The phase involves identifying the features and functionality that will be included in the product and any constraints or limitations.

Create the project plan

The third step is to create the project plan. Activities involved breaking down the project into smaller chunks of work, called “user stories,” and determining how these stories will be completed during each sprint.

Estimate the work and create the team

The fourth step is to estimate the work and create the team. Activities involve estimating the effort required to complete each user story and determining the team structure and resources needed to deliver the product.

Execute the plan

The fifth step is to execute the plan. The activities include working through the user stories during each sprint, completing the tasks and delivering the product incrementally.

Review and adjust

The final step is to review and adjust the process. This involves regularly reviewing the project’s progress and making necessary adjustments to the plan or process to ensure it is on track to meet its goals.

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