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October 24, 2023

Analysis of Gallup Theory

Analysis of Gallup Theory

Key aspects of Gallup strengths theory


“Where am I heading?” Ask yourself. When one keeps asking the same question every day guided by focus, one may head up to clear destination. Lacking one, someone’s life and work may change quickly to frustrating one (Harms, 2017, p. 2). Each and every week one should set goals to guide him or her and help to determine the best priorities so as to make the necessary corrections if any


“It can be great if….” A kind person loves to peer over horizon, future fascinates the person. As if the future is projected on a wall, the person is able to see in great details what the future is holding, and also this detailed picture pulls the person forward to another day (Harms, 2017, p. 3). While content of picture depends on other strengths and interests of the person.


The person’s achiever theme explains his or her drive. Achiever explains a need for achievement. If a person feels a day starts at zero by the end of that day the person must get something tangible so as to feel good for that day (Rath, 2007, p. 10). Each and every day should not pass without any achievement. No matter how the person feels he or she needs a rest each and every day something better should be achieved.


“When can I start” this should be a recurring question in life as the person should be impatience for the action. The concede analysis as debate and discussion may yield valuable insights, but deep down you know only the action is real and only action may lead to performance.


Every person lives in a moment as future is not a fixed destination. One should be able to create something from choices he or she makes. This does not mean that one lacks plans but mostly they do (Rath, 2007, p. 12). The theme of adaptability is to enable one to respond willingly to demand to the moment even if they are trying to pull you away from your plans.

Application of Gallup Strengths in Career Aspirations

The key aspects of Gallup strength can help to achieve career aspirations in many ways. These ways include working with a mentor as it’s impossible for a person to succeed alone (Tomkovick and Swanson, 2014, p. 200. The mentor may help in definition of a goal because as for one to be successful requires a focus and the focus needs a set goal.

  1. Appraisal of Theories from Gallup Module

The Gallup various models for employees motivation as well as influencing their engagement on the organization in a manner that will boost their performance. In particular, various theories of motivation inform people on how and when to utilize extrinsic rewards such as bonuses, stock options, and piecemeal rates (Schaufeli, 2013, p. 48). Further, these models assist managers in fostering personnel’s intrinsic motivations in the workplace. The main theories in the Gallup model include equity and expectancy theories, which form the basis of our study.

Expectancy theory: Expectancy theory helps managers design viable employees’ motivation initiatives that motivate them while in their workplace (Schaufeli, 2013, p. 40). Gallup applies this theory by determining the outcome of the quantity in which an employee wants to feel motivated in the work. Expectancy theory by Vroom assesses the likelihood that once employees are rewarded, they will perform better (Miner, 2015, p. 88). Expectancy and instrumentality are concurrently to ensure that employees who perform better will get rewarded proportionately. Gallup establishes a relationship between employees’ effort and performance to ascertain who needs to get appraised. In this theory, employees decide whether to perform on the job or not.

Equity model: Gallup uses Adams’ equity theory of employees motivation in coming up with a equitable/fair balance of staff’s input in terms of enthusiasm, hard work, creativity, skills, experience, and performance (Harter, Schmidt, and Keyes, 2003, p. 220). Further, Gallup ensures that employee’s outputs are balanced in respect in terms of bonuses, salary, recognition, promotions and other benefits based on their inputs level. Gallup ensures that equity and fairness when it comes to employees’ motivation is upheld and this improves employees’ morale. The theory explains the importance of openness to avoid organizational politics where some people feel unfairly treated hence demotivated to work (Miner, 2015, p. 90). In this perspective, Gallup balances employees’ inputs with their outputs when giving bonuses, promotions, salary increments and other intangibles with openness to ensure that all employees remain motivated.

Reflection on Gallup Theories Application in Future Career Development

These theories help greatly in developing my future career. These are some of ways:

  • Own my own development

If I own my development I take charge of my career in the same way I take charge of project at work, financial situation or a commitment to my child, it requires me to act Van (Woerkom and Meyers, 2015, p. 90). Also ownership requires active decision making and follow through making a good career development.

  • Am grateful and successful because of who I am ,….not who I was

This strength mostly applies in my career development. Although some other times its difficult to know my talent hence I try to “play out” in all career opportunities I have not considered. Most of time I face some difficulties but by use of elimination things became better (Jackson, 2015, p. 350). The successful people retain power to act rather than surrendering it to forces outside their control. By focusing on my strengths I can succeed and then move ahead professionally in every situation.

  • I cannot be successful alone.

Those people who work alone limit their talents and non-talent as their unique experiences and also knowledge base. Individuals with partnership with others are stronger because they draw a talent poll. This is not because of their resources but also because of their skills, talents, and their abilities.


Harms, P.D., 2017. Gallup Strengths Finder. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, pp.1-3.

Harter, J.K., Schmidt, F.L. and Keyes, C.L., 2003. Well-being in the workplace and its relationship to business outcomes: A review of the Gallup studies. Flourishing: Positive psychology and the life well-lived2, pp.205-224.

Jackson, D., 2015. Employability skill development in work-integrated learning: Barriers and best practice. Studies in Higher Education40(2), pp.350-367.

Miner, J.B., 2015. Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge.

Rath, T., 2007. StrengthsFinder 2.0. Simon and Schuster.

Schaufeli, W.B., 2013. What is engagement. Employee engagement in theory and practice15, p.321.

Tomkovick, C. and Swanson, S., 2014. Using Strengthsfinder to identify relationships between marketing graduate strengths and career outcomes. Marketing Education Review24(3), pp.197-212.

Van Woerkom, M. and Meyers, M.C., 2015. My strengths count!. Human Resource Management54(1), pp.81-103.



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