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April 13, 2022

Analytical Skills for Evaluating Articles

Analytical Skills for Evaluating Articles

The field of social psychology includes a long history of fascinating research, some of which prompted the establishment of the American psychological Association’s Code of Ethics.

For this week’s discussion we will employ our analytical skills to evaluate four articles that look at pivotal social psychological research.  Through our evaluation of this research, we will apply our knowledge of social psychological concepts, scientific methods, and science driven ethics.

Your Task

Main Post:  In order to create a focused community of learning, this week we will exchange perspectives and understanding. This will be achieved as follows:

Select the article you would like to analyze and discuss its historical impact, and its influence on social psychology today. Read the article carefully and compose your responses to the assigned questions, provided below. Your responses should reflect your unique, personal, response to the study addressed.  [For example:  If you were out with your fellow social psychologists, deliberating the qualities of the study over coffee what points would you bring to that debate?]

Question Group 2: For Study 3:

  1. What is the Abilene paradox?  Describe some of the symptoms of organizations caught in the paradox.
  2. Tell us about one of the case studies that Harvey (1974) describes on pages 67-69.
  3. Harvey discusses 5 factors when analyzing the paradox.  Discuss at least two of these and their importance in the paradox.
  4. On page 73, Harvey discusses several terms that describe the risk factors of his model (A Possible Abilene Bypass). Discuss one of these as it relates to his model and to your understanding of these terms in social psychology.
  5.  How would someone go about diagnosing the paradox?  What suggestions does Harvey make?
  6. What are his recommendations for coping with the paradox?


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