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January 25, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Tools for Recruitment

Artificial Intelligence Tools for Recruitment

Finding the best talent to hire is a critical aspect for HR professionals.  However, this task has proved as an inordinate challenge and burdensome initiated by the lack of access to accurate data to make informed decisions. The recruiting process also faces bungling manual tasks, which prompts the selection of the wrong candidates. Consequently, this affects the productivity of the business adversely. In an attempt to address this challenge, the HR tech ecosystems have initiated the emergence of several technology companies to enhance the recruitment process. Some of the AI recruitment tools used include recruiting by text, scheduling, and resume screening (Geetha & Bhanu, 2018). The purpose of this report is to explain how this trend impacts the hospitality sector globally and the future.

Definition of the Topic As It Relates To the Text and Lectures

Based on chapter five of the lectures, recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable individuals to apply for an available job offer. The process embroils identifying job openings, identification of job requirements, determining recruitment methods, obtaining applicants, shortlisting and selection of the final candidate, and preparation and negotiation of offers (Geetha & Bhanu, 2018). Artificial intelligence for recruitment is an HR technology deliberated to eradicate the time-consuming processes such as screening the resumes manually. As such, the process utilizes tools such as Olivia used to capture and screen candidates and augment conversions. The process reduces the frequent need for walk-ins and write-ins during recruitment, which could be time-consuming.

Some of the AI tools used include the internet. The internet has immensely impacted the recruitment process gradually in the past years. With the development of Web 2.0, the recruiters have experienced a new perspective. The firms use the tool to establish employer reputation and branding and hence creating a new relationship with potential applicants (Lu, 2019).  The tool provides a basis for an online interactive process using Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. With these social networks, employers collaborate with potential applicants to obtain relevant information.

Impacts of the Trend on the Hospitality Sector

The adoption of AI tools for recruitment has impacted the hospitality sector in both positive and negative ways.  Some of the areas in the hospitality sector affected by this technology include services such as guest relations, marketing, and reservations. For instance, conducting in-room services utilizes Virtual Personal Assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa (Maduravoyal, 2018). The industry operates under both recession and optimum periods, and resultantly, peak periods initiate a need to process a multitude of algorithms regarding customer data. Such prompt the industry to strain to adjust with the pace and hence a need for AI tools to recruit additional staff.

Loss of employment opportunities is also a resultant impact on machine displacement. The machines have taken over the tasks initially conducted by human beings, such as the interviewing process. The interview questions are fed to the device and offered to the interviewees as they record the responses. Importantly, the machines can assess the communication skills of the interviewees, unlike human beings. In this regard, they are considered as effective approaches to select the best candidates for job positions.  On this note, the dwindling number of unskilled labor prompts an urgent need to reskill and retrain them to leverage the advancements in technology for the future (Lu, 2019). The retraining is essential since soft communication skills are critical aspects of the hospitality industry.

Like any other industry, hospitality requires employees to have various skills such as customer service skills, cultural awareness, multitasking, and communication skills. Notably, identifying such skills through physical judgment can prove disappointing at times. In this regard, AI has enabled employers to identify quality candidates among numerous job applicants, which aids in enhancing organizational performance.  For instance, AI helps the employers to articulate clear and eloquent job description, which expresses the exact expectations from the applicants. As such, this eradicates the possibility of receiving resumes of applicants with irrelevant skills and experience, which paves the way for only the top-notch candidates. The use of the Textio tool provides alternative words for use to describe the job expectations to reach the perfect audience (Maduravoyal, 2018).

Another definite impact concerns automation of the tedious manual tasks. The process of recruiting is cumbersome and consumes an enormous amount of time, ranging from scheduling interviews through screening candidates and evaluating the dynamic needs of the team. Automation of the conversations that concern job questions, the recruiters can get responses from candidates at any time. Such reduces the need to respond to phone calls and emails while maintaining the experience of the candidate. Outstandingly, the candidate experience is a core element in the recruiting process. AI tools provide quick responses and relevant information, which heightens the drive of the candidates to stay connected with the organization. The positive experience makes them want to work with the organization even more.

Nonetheless, despite the potential benefits of this trend in the hospitality industry, the pattern depicts a downgrade of the ethical standards in the selection approaches. Albeit the managers may consider AI as unbiased approaches to conduct interviews, the candidates may perceive it as an unethical approach. In other words, AI limits human interaction during the recruitment process, and the candidates may feel humiliated on the denial of the chance to interact physically with the recruiters.  Further, both the interviewer and interviewee fail to identify each other’s tonal variation and possible mood swings during the process.

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