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December 4, 2023

Assessing Hotel Frontline Staff Training Needs

Assessing Hotel Frontline Staff Training Needs

TNA Data Collection Methods

Hotel frontline staff form a crucial basis for determining how clients would perceive an organization. In this regard, I recommend interviews, observations, and documentation to assess the hotel frontline staff’s training needs. Firstly, the documentation contains crucial information that may explain the current problem. Documents may contain information regarding a similar problem that existed in the past and the approaches implemented to attain a solution. Based on this, it would be easy to gain valuable leads to getting a solution. The documents’ information helps assess what is missing or the staff’s challenges, such as low customer satisfactory reports and how to attain it. The trainers should peruse the files, folders, and electronic documents to gather information about previous compliments and complaints and assess the factors contributing to these components while making proper decisions.

Further, observation is a critical method to collect first-hand information while assessing the trends in frontline staff services and their effects. This method allows collecting user data through a checklist. Observation also provides the evaluation of job performance, especially since the frontline staff usually have a clear understanding of the expected performance. In this case, the in-house observer should set some time frame and observe the activities carried out daily by the participants while assessing their conformity to the organization’s values and roles. This would allow the trainer to evaluate the staff’s level of motivation through the general behavior displayed and the goal achievability.

Finally, the frontline staff plays a critical role in developing an organization’s public image and usually small in number. In this case, interviewing them would be easier to have everyone participate in their complaints, hence identifying training gaps. They also interact with numerous customers and provide a critical glimpse of the gaps to instill extra interaction and communication skills necessary to address the clients. The trainer will interrogate the participants to hint at the challenges they face and the gap for training needs. However, flexibility is vital while choosing a method of data collection regarding the existing conditions to assess the method that works.

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