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March 25, 2022

Assets or Investors

Assets or Investors

Assignment 1.1: Assets or Investors? A company may have the greatest product or service, but if it doesn’t have the people behind it, its competitive advantage is at risk. Companies must have the right staff to support their objectives and strategies; then, the companies must nurture and retain their resource pools for sustainability in a competitive world. Complete this assignment to apply the concepts from this topic on how organizations view employees as assets and investors.

For this assignment, read the below text: Discussion Question 2 from Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. (2015). Strategic staffing (3rd ed., p. 44). Boston, MA: Pearson Education. Answer Question 2 on page 44 to enhance your understanding of how organizations view employees as assets and investors. Deliverable A 400-word paper that includes at least one citation/reference to a source in this lesson. Step 1: Write a paper. Write a paper that answers the following questions:

  • What is the difference between treating employees as assets and as investors?
  • When is it appropriate for an organization to treat employees as investors?
  • When is it appropriate for an organization to treat job applicants and employees as assets?


Use these writing guidelines:

Include a cover page and a reference page in addition to your required word count. Use correct APA format. Double-space text. Use size 12 Times New Roman font. Use section headings to organize. Indent paragraphs. Include in-text citations. Use correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and verb tense.

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