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September 30, 2022

Audience for B2C and B2B

Audience for B2C and B2B

You will tell the class your organization selections of your B2C and B2B companies, share your thoughts about the target audience for each, and last provide your opinions on how each company could benefit from either an influencer or a community.

Please note, you will write your text for your B2C business covering steps 1 through 3 and then repeat for your B2B company.

For Your Initial Post:

STEP 1 – Introduce your B2C organization by providing the following:

  • Name of the company
  • Short description and the URL of their website

For the two bullets above, you may use what you provided me for week 1.

STEP 2 – For your B2C, provide a brief description of some of the characteristics of your company’s target audience.

  • Your company may have more than one kind of target audience, so it’s OK to focus or narrow down to one.

Here are some thought starters (not required to address all of these, just providing to get you going):

  • Maybe use one of your business purposes from week 2 to tie into your description of your audience.
  • Provide what you think are key psychographics, demographics or any other segmentation characteristics.

STEP 3 –  Describe how your B2C company could use either an online community or an influencer to reach this audience (You only have to choose and write about one).

Here are some thought starters (not required to address all of these, just providing to get you going):

  • What are some of the key characteristics of the community or the influencer that would resonate with and attract your target audience?
  • Focus on “why a community” or “why an influencer” You don’t really need to name a platform or types of content.
  • Why do you think one may be better at connecting with your audience than the other (community vs. influecer)?

Repeat steps 1 through 3 for your B2B company and provide both in one post.

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