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March 10, 2023

Beatles after Beatles Music

Beatles after Beatles Music

Discuss the influence of John Lennon’s post-Beatles music and the impact of his death on popular musicians who followed.

Please answer the following questions:

 Write a discussion board post in which you address the following prompt:

  • Discuss the influence of John Lennon’s post-Beatles music and the impact of his death on popular musicians who followed. Please refer to specific songs/artists/styles in your response. You’ll need 150-200 words at least to cover the topic briefly, but thoroughly.

Write a discussion board post in which you address the following prompt:

  • When comparing the work of all of the former Beatles since the band’s breakup, who do you feel has had the greatest influence on the music of today’s artists? Please use songs/artists/styles in your explanation. You’ll need 150-200 words at least to cover the topic briefly but thoroughly

John Lennon’s post-Beatles music had a significant impact on popular music, not only during his lifetime but also in the years following his death. Lennon’s solo work was marked by his introspective and socially conscious lyrics, as well as his experimentation with different musical styles and genres.

One of Lennon’s most well-known songs is “Imagine,” which has become an anthem for peace and unity. The song’s message of universal love and harmony has resonated with generations of listeners and has been covered by countless artists, including Elton John, Lady Gaga, and Madonna.

Another influential song by Lennon is “Instant Karma!,” which he wrote and recorded in a single day. The song’s upbeat tempo and catchy chorus belied its serious message about the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions. “Instant Karma!” has been covered by numerous artists, including U2, Duran Duran, and R.E.M.

Lennon’s collaborations with his wife, Yoko Ono, also had a significant impact on popular music. Their avant-garde album “Two Virgins” featured experimental soundscapes and improvised performances, which paved the way for later artists such as Sonic Youth and Radiohead.

Lennon’s tragic death in 1980 had a profound impact on the music industry and on his fellow musicians. Artists such as Elton John, Billy Joel, and Bruce Springsteen paid tribute to Lennon in their music, and his influence can be heard in the work of many artists who followed.

One example is the band Oasis, who were heavily influenced by Lennon’s music and often cited him as a major inspiration. Their song “Don’t Look Back in Anger” features a piano intro that pays tribute to Lennon’s “Imagine,” and their album “What’s the Story Morning Glory?” features the song “She’s Electric,” which was inspired by Lennon’s song “Sexy Sadie.”

Another artist who was influenced by Lennon’s music is Bono, the lead singer of U2. U2 covered “Instant Karma!” and have spoken about the impact that Lennon’s music had on their own work, particularly in terms of his willingness to speak out about social and political issues.

Generally, John Lennon’s post-Beatles music and his untimely death had a significant impact on popular music and on the artists who followed him. His message of peace, love, and social consciousness continues to resonate with listeners, and his influence can be heard in the work of countless musicians across generations and genres.

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