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January 26, 2023

Behavior Change Analysis Exercise

Behavior Change Analysis Exercise

Use the attached worksheet to identify 3 key stakeholders in the following case study. Identify or estimate current behaviors and what would be desired behaviors in the future. In the last column, identify what actions you would take to get the stakeholders from the current state to the desired state.


The current state

Community Hospital has been a county hospital for the last 40 years. Due to poor performance, safety warnings, low quality and loss of revenues, the county sold Community Hospital to UHS. Many of the business staff employees were laid off or transferred to the corporate office. Most of the staff who remained have been employed for over 10 years. Some departments like surgical services, the emergency department and nutrition services have had a turnover in staff and implemented some state of art methods. Other departments like facilities, laundry, and food services, have had low turnover and maintain the same procedures.

The CM Challenge
A Process Improvement consultant from UHS worked with the staff and identified three opportunities for improvement.

  • The layout of the kitchen and dishwashing area
  • Change job duties and tasks to reduce customer wait time and improve delivery to patient room
  • Make changes to the menu to provide better meals to staff and patients

The work to make changes to the kitchen will be performed by the facilities department and any electronic devices will be managed by IT, otherwise, the rest of the work will be performed by the available food service staff. The staff was involved in the decisions to update the kitchen and the dishwashing area. Two experts from corporate HR were on site for two weeks for interviews to make recommendations for staffing and productivity improvements.

The culture of Change Management (CM) promotes inclusion and consensus and attempts to let each hospital act independently. Process Improvement relies on established lean methods and has been working with many other member hospitals to improve processes, with mixed results. The Process Improvement Expert has been working with food services for the last three months to analyze some of the issues and determining root causes. She will be working with the team to plan out the improvement.

The process owner for the improvements is a new manager in the food services department that has been there six months. He is enthusiastic and positive and wants to make the cafeteria a great place to have a meal. Not all his ideas have been welcomed by the staff.

Most of the staff has been there for over ten years and three have been there for over twenty years. This means that some of the food staff make more money than some of the nurses on the floor. The department director also manages housekeeping services and has been working at Community Hospital for nearly thirty years and has been talking about retiring in a few years.

There have been very few changes in this department and some of the staff have been requesting a “facelift” and claim the menu items have not changed since the 90s. There does not seem to be a sense of urgency, even when there is a line of customers. The department director has been getting pressure from UHS regarding productivity and she says this is because the staff is paid at a higher rate than any other food service staff in the organization.

Behavioral Change Analysis

Use the attached worksheet to identify or estimate current behaviors and what would be desired behaviors in the future. In the last column, identify what actions you would take to get the stakeholders from the current state to the desired state.

Discuss specific observations of actual behaviors for these stake holders

Define action is less that necessary

Desired BehaviorsRate the level of effort

1 to 5(1=no change needed, 5=maximum shift from current behavior)

Actions to get the the Stakeholder to the desired state.


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