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September 24, 2022

 Behavioral Health and Marketing

Behavioral Health and Marketing

In the video ‘A Workforce for Integration’ Dr. Blount discusses the various professions that have a role in the provision of integrated behavioral health. Are you starting to get some ideas how you can be an entrepreneur in integrated care?

link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4akHfCUgR9s

For this discussion board post: please write a brief description of a significant integrated care entrepreneurial opportunity that you plan to use for your business plan assignments in this class. What is the specific role you see for yourself, and how will you interact with integrated care professionals or teams as part of your entrepreneurial concept.

Info about company for business plan project to help with prompt:

About Company

Red Iron Labs was established in 2016 and is based in Calgary, AB. Originally created as a virtual reality game studio, we have expanded into developing immersive solutions across all industries. Our team consists of highly skilled multimedia creators, XR developers, and talented 3D artists and animators creating highly immersive and realistic environments and experiences. It is through our game design expertise that we provide highly realistic, interactive, and engaging immersive experiences with quick turnaround periods, which engage, entertain, and empower humans.

Project Scope

Neuro RecoVR is a VR application designed to aid the process of stroke rehabilitation. It is provided through mass market VR headsets or through devices such as Treadmills to facilitate recovery of patients with motor and cognitive impairments (i.e. vision, memory, upper and lower body motor skills, etc.). Engaging in gamified VR activity modules, patients are instructed to complete challenges designed to restore lost brain function. The system empowers patients to rehabilitate outside the limited time available in clinical settings, on a more regular basis, remotely and in the comfort of their own home. Utilizing a cloud based tracking app, registered medical professionals will have access to data sets and will be able to track their patient & progress or shortfalls and make adjustments remotely on the fly.

We are looking for students to help and assist with:

  • Research and identify consumer and business markets/potential clients (US and Canada)
  • Research and identify grants and foundations which can provide funding for R&D and scaling of platform
  • Analyse current consumer markets, and trends
  • Research and analyse pricing models and recommend strategy
  • Research and identify distribution channels
  • Recommend product strategy and marketing through product life cycle
  • Forecast demand
  • Analyse elements of successful products
  • Product branding and market niche strategies

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