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March 8, 2023

Beliefs of the Conservative Movement

Beliefs of the Conservative Movement

Prior to beginning work on this discussion:

Based on your textbook and the required article, address the following items:

  • Explain some of the beliefs and positions of the conservative movement.
  • Keeping in mind the progress of the progressive movements in the 60s and 70s, explain at least three reasons for the rise of conservatism in the last part of the 20th century.
  • Explain which groups benefited from conservative policies and which groups were impacted negatively.
  • Select an issue that you feel is important today. How does a knowledge of history help us gain a better understanding of this issue?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Your post should make reference to the required materials with in-text citations. Your references and citations must be formatted according to APA style.  You may use additional scholarly sources to support your points if you choose.

Consult the Writing a Discussion Board Post (Links to an external site.) and the Summary vs. Analysis (Links to an external site.) resources as you formulate your response.

Guided Response: Respond in a substantive manner to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. Each response should be at least 100 words. Be sure to relate your discussion back to the course materials and move the conversation forward by asking a question, raising a new point, or elaborating more thoroughly upon a point already raised. Continue to monitor the discussion forum throughout the learning week and respond with robust dialogue to anyone (including your instructor) who replies to your initial post.

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