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February 15, 2023

Board Governance and Management

Board Governance and Management

Listen to one or more podcasts that discuss Board Governance and or Organizational Management, and use the case presented as a starting point to assist in identifying an emerging issue facing arts and cultural organizations.


  • Identify and describe an emerging issue related to not for profit governance (Boards) and or management ( Staff and Employees).
  • Seek out resources related to the issue.
  • Analyze the issue and identify recommendations to address the issue going forward.

Detailed Instructions

Step one: Listen to one or more of the following podcasts to provide you with some perspective of working with a not for profit organization:

Please seek out additional podcasts or videocasts and reference material to assist in identifying an emerging issue.

We have discussed a number of emerging issues facing arts and cultural organizations throughout this course, however some initial issues for consideration might include:

  • How arts and cultural organizations are re visioning and adapting as we move into a post pandemic era;
  • Ensuring  organizational bylaws, policies and practices are welcoming and inclusive;
  • Addressing racism and systemic barriers, and embracing cultural practices in a respectful and inclusive way.

Step two: Identify an emerging issue facing arts and cultural organizations throughout the country of Canada, seek out resources addressing the issue, and develop recommendations to address the issue going forward.

Step three: Write a paper (1,300 – 1,650 words)

  • Introduction: Introduces the issue in relation to a case, identifies the question/issue that will be addressed, provides a outline or summary of what will be discussed, and clearly articulates the primary recommendation.
  • Body: Provides relevant background or contextual information, identifies resources and possible courses of action, makes a realistic recommendation (which may involve specific action steps or supporting recommendations), and justifies the recommendation.
  • Reminder to ensure that you include multiple sources of supporting evidence, such as material in the course modules, textbook, organizational websites, articles and/or other sources, and cite your sources appropriately.
  • Conclusion: Summarizes the issue and recommendation(s), positioning them within a broader context.
  • References: Provides a list of relevant resources cited in the paper.
  • Paper and citations should be written in APA

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