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January 31, 2023

Cellphone Communication 4G and 5G

Cellphone Communication 4G and  5G

 Research Report Instructions


The subject of the report will focus on a communications system, device or topic.  The report will develop the underlying theory of operation, construction details as they relate to operation, available packaging, and circuit applications. Web sites are good reference materials but must be included in your bibliography.

Written Report

The written report shall be no less than 5 pages including title and bibliography pages. The typed content shall be double spaced 12 point font. The report is expected to include graphs, charts, and pictures as appropriate to enhance the understanding of the report, but should be reasonable in size and use. Write in a style that will allow fellow students to understand the content.  The report will include;

  • Title Page

Project Title

By ( Student )


  • Table of Contents

List table of contents as outlined in this document Major and minor headings

With pages numbers

Overview statement

  • Main body (as appropriate with headings)

History or background

Description and or uses

Functional details

Strengths and weaknesses

  • Conclusions

Future trends or uses

  • Bibliography

Sources used


The 5G is the fifth-generation technology essentially used for broadband cellular networks in the communication domain. Ideally, the 5G is considered the first-hand world wireless ordinary after other networks like the 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G systems. Further, the 5G network is a vital technology that primarily facilitates the novel form of networking that is deemed well-designed to connect virtually everyone and everything, like machinery, objects, as well as other apparatus. While the 4G system supports personalized and comprehensive services, offering stable system performance and quality services, the 5G network provides a far higher level of performance. Besides, the present 5G technology is perceived as the subsequent version of the mobile networks developing from the first to the fourth generation. However, the novel fifth-generation offers a new approach giving ubiquitous effectiveness and connectivity. Therefore, the report critically analyzes both the fourth and fifth-generation technology in the communication systems. Also, it describes the network evolution, state-of-the-art application within the communication domain, and the networks’ future scope. Overall, it will strengthen and weaknesses of both networks.


The fifth-generation network technology has swiftly developed from its fourth component. The initial development of the 5G began in 2019, opening ways for other developments (Shukurillaevich, Sattorivich, and Amrillojonovich, 1). There were several generations before the 5G technology that necessitated its development. Like the fifth generation, every generation has its enhancement in the communication department. The first generation was utilized in the 1980s. It conveyed analog voice within mobile devices and was the first cellular network applied in communication technology. The second generation was founded on digital technology and offered the much-advanced spectrum efficiency. The network supported the novel attributes, encompassing the low data rate communications as well as text messages. The network was essentially applied in the early 1990s.

On the other hand, the third generation aimed to provide high and precise speed data. Typically, the initial technology was improved to enable the data speed to a peak of about 14 Mbps and above. The technology was invented in the 2000s. The fourth-generation network technology was all-IP centered on offering data at an exceedingly higher speed to one Gbps (Bhandari, Devra, and Singh, 101). The network was invented and developed in 2010, and it ushered in the era of mobile broadband. These generations substantially contributed to the novel 5G network technology that is fully designed to provide more connectivity in the communication domain.

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