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December 15, 2022

Christian Leadership Programs

Christian Leadership Programs

 Read the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide Download W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide, and

Create a draft logic model of one of your ministry programs using the provided logic model template Download logic model template. The logic model should answer the following questions:

  1. What is the impact of the ministry program that you hope to achieve?
  2. What resources are required for your ministry program to run and be effective? (Inputs)
  3. What do the participants do in the program? (Activities)
  4. How many times a week and what is the duration of each of these activities? (Outputs measuring dosage and duration)
  5. What are the initial outcomes of your ministry program? (What new knowledge, increased skills, and/or changes in attitudes or values have occurred?)
  6. What are the intermediate outcomes of your ministry program? (What changes in behavior have you or your staff witnessed?)
  7. What are the long-term outcomes of your ministry program? (How has your ministry improved the long-term conditions of the participants?)

The logic models must be submitted online but will be reviewed and in class. The diagram of your program’s logic model indicates your theory of change and should list specific short-term,  midterm,  and long-term outcomes (you should have 3 outcomes in total).

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