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September 14, 2022

Christian Life in Business Venture

Christian Life in Business Venture


As Christians, we are to continually improve and sanctify ourselves so we will not become ineffective or unfruitful. If we focus on continually improving, we will be much more effective and fruitful in our business ventures (2 Peter 1:5-8). An entrepreneur has the responsibility to utilize their resources efficiently and effectively for the long-term sustainability of their organization. By understanding when, where,
and how to utilize these resources, the entrepreneur is better equipped to reap the benefits of these resources. Through God’s wisdom, an entrepreneur will learn when and how to sow these resources and utilize them for God’s glory (2 Corinthians 9:6- 7). As Christian business owners, we have the opportunity and responsibility to not simply look out for our own gain and interest but to look out for others. When we
serve our customers, value our employees, treat our suppliers with respect and look to their interests, we are able to not only run an organization according to biblical principles but better connect with the resources that are available to us and cultivate excellence in this organization (Philippians 2:1-4). What does continuous improvement and sanctification of your life look like within your business venture?

How do you serve your customers and remain a good steward of the resources God has entrusted you with? How do you utilize God’s wisdom in the overall management of the resources in your organization?

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