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November 28, 2023

College is Waste of Time and Money

College is Waste of Time and Money

Things You Agree With and Support

College is a waste of time and money because students normally graduate while they still do not possess the necessary skills for the job market.  This is because the students are only interested in passing their exams and attaining graduate certificates. Such a mentality makes them make the wrong career choices and end up getting frustrated when released to the job market.

Most students aim just at securing good jobs after graduation related to their courses. The despair to secure white collar jobs has become high and every educated person is striving to have one. The flooding of the job candidates has led the employers to offer very little salaries to the graduate students due to the high competition. Other people find themselves doing the jobs they did not study at the campus. In this perspective, the knowledge gained in campus becomes a waste considering time and money was utilized.

Things You Disagree With and Support

College is not a waste of time and money as the students are equipped with various skills and knowledge necessary for everyday life. You will realize that a college graduate will have wider thinking capacity and can organize ideas and easily find solutions for a certain challenge than a non-graduate would. Therefore, college benefits students by enlarging their ability to solve problems and embrace life challenges positively.

College education also enables students to have a broader view of the world and business dynamics. In college, the students get a chance to explore more business chances locally and overseas such that when they graduate, they are able to apply their skills to search for business opportunities. Therefore, studying in college is not a waste of time nor money.

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