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January 30, 2024

Colorectal Cancer Screening Intent

Colorectal Cancer Screening Intent 

Discussion Response 1

Implementing evidence-based screening modality and assessing the factors behind the intent to undertake colorectal cancer screening is vital.  Cancer is a chronic disease, and its early diagnosis for treatment is vital to prevent its adverse effects, including heightened death rates (Beck, 2015). As such, your post hints the healthcare practitioners on the approaches to emphasize on the importance of cancer screening and increase the intent by rural inhabitants. I commend the age variables used in your post since the disease is most prevalent among older people. Using USPSTF screening guidelines was vital as it recommends about the effectiveness of particular preventive care services necessary without assumptions based on signs and symptoms (Beck, 2015). I support your analysis of the intent for the CRC test based on education level to determine if the intellectual capacity had impacts concerning such. It was an excellent observance that the highly educated individuals depicted more intent for the test compared to the lower-level-education individuals.

Further, I commend your gender consideration in selecting the population of the study. Such ensured that the results were not biased. The use of tables to present the results of both intervention and non-intervention groups was commendable to ease the ability to read and interpret results. I support the use of the Odds Ratio (OR) to assess the association between the dependent and independent variables to ease the comparison of the findings. With the random selection of cases and controls, this method aids in estimating the risk ration (Szumilas, 2010). Spearman’s correlation was an excellent choice to assess a possible relation between the intent and individual HBM. HBM is an essential theory for evaluating health behavior change, and hence its use in this project is highly recommended. Finally, I commend your choice of current references which ranging between 2015 and 2018.


Beck, D. E. (2015). The importance of colorectal cancer screening.

Szumilas, M. (2010). Explaining odds ratios. Journal of the Canadian academy of child and adolescent psychiatry19(3), 227.

Discussion Response 2

Thank you for your post on the importance of promoting health and prevent disease among stroke and post-stroke patients. I commend your excellent choice of informative articles to hint information on the care necessary for these patients. I like the first article for denoting the importance of managing post-care patients to improve quality of life years (QALYs). Enhancing the quality of life among post-stroke patients is critical. As such, I agree with you that post-stroke care may seem less important, though it is.  According to Sterr et al. (2018), providing post-stroke-care is quite essential to prevent the possibility of secondary diagnosis and hence improve the QALYs. I concur with the argument that experimental treatment depicts a more significant number of QALYs than conventional treatment after assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the (iCaPPS©) program. I commend the article for the informative approaches to reduce stroke care re-admissions hence improving QALY.

The second article is equally important for its focus on both stroke survivor and caregiver. Liang et al. (2019) argue that the challenges faced by caregivers are usually neglected, and hence an insight on such information is essential. Caregivers face generally stress in their struggle to ensure that the patients’ outcomes are excellent and resultantly, accumulate stress. Such stress affects rehabilitation quality by reducing QALY for stroke patients. Therefore, the article is vital to implement viable strategies for post-stroke care, which reduces the burden imposed on the caregivers and hence improving patient outcomes. Nevertheless, I support your mention of the article’s insufficiency in antiplatelet medications in preventing secondary stroke. As such, your opinion not to use them in the capstone project is creditable.  Both articles are essential, with a clear focus on issues pertaining to stroke patients and caregivers.


Liang, J., Lee, S. J., Storer, B. E., Shaw, B. E., Chow, E. J., Flowers, M. E., … & Kurukulasuriya, E. (2019). Rates and Risk Factors for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomatology among Adult Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients and Their Informal Caregivers. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation25(1), 145-150.

Sterr, A., Kuhn, M., Nissen, C., Ettine, D., Funk, S., Feige, B., … & Riemann, D. (2018). Post-stroke insomnia in community-dwelling patients with chronic motor stroke: physiological evidence and implications for stroke care. Scientific reports8(1), 1-9.

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