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April 4, 2022

Creating an Orientation Program

Creating an Orientation Program

Objective of this Assignment:  To create an orientation program to help new employees assimilate into the organization in a more quick and efficient manner resulting in a quicker turnaround time in terms of employee performance on the job. 

Step 1:

  1. Develop an orientation program for new employees.
  2. To complete this assignment, assume you are the HR leader for a small business that has grown substantially over the last few years.
  3. There are currently approximately 100 employees employed and there are expansion plans on the horizon that are expected to result in an increase in staffing levels of 50% over the next two years.
  4. One of your departmental goals this year is to develop an orientation program to be implemented within a three- month period.
  5. The overarching objective of the program is to integrate new employees into the organization through an orientation program that will result in new employees learning key things they need to know as quickly and efficiently, as possible.

Step 2:

The onboarding program will include (at a minimum) the following elements:

  1. Goals of the program
    • What are the organization’s objectives?
    • How will the program align with the vision, mission and values of the organization?
  1. Program design
    • How will new employees be welcomed into the organization and begin the learning process even before the first day of employment?
    • Who will be the champions of this program and what will his or her accountabilities be?
    • What specific role will HR play in maintaining and supporting the program?
    • What elements of the new employees’ job will he or she be exposed to and what organizational information should be provided to the new employee?
    • What other people/positions should the new employee meet with?
    • How will you ensure everyone currently working in the company has the same learning opportunities as new employees that will now be going through a formal orientation process?
  1. Communication
    • Who will need to know about the new program and how will you communicate the details?
    • Is there any training required on the new program? Who will be involved in the training?
  2. Timeframe- Implementation Plan – the program must be implemented within three months and be a minimum of 2 days in duration with learning opportunities mapped throughout the defined period of the program. You may create a chart to indicate the timeframes and implementation steps.
  3. Evaluation
    • Evaluation, how will the program be evaluated and how often?

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