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January 23, 2024

Cultural Impact on Consumer Behavior

Cultural Impact on Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is a vital aspect to understand in market segmentation. It is affected by various factors including cultural values. Cultural values are the norms or behavioral ways that condition the reactions and attitudes to various phenomena in the context of culture, while consumer behavior refers to the actions of the customers in the market place and motives behind such actions. The purpose of this paper is to review cause-related marketing as it associates with the changes in cultural values along with examples of organizational marketing to these changes.

Discussion of Cause-Related Marketing

The increasing market competitiveness has prompted businesses to adopt strategies for both brand and product differentiation. In this regard, most companies have resolved into cause-related marketing (CRM) which is a powerful marketing tool that aids in enhancing the brand image as well as profitability. Therefore, cause-related marketing (CRM) refers to a partnership between a corporation and a nonprofit organization for a mutual benefit whereby the former’s publicity and sales volume is increased while enhancing the latter’s publicity and cause (Latif et al., 2019). A good example is a donation towards a single tetanus vaccine by Pampers to UNICEF for each pack of nappies.

The Interrelationship between Consumer Behavior and Changes in Cultural Values

Cultural values shape the behavior of a particular people and hence their impact on consumer behavior is indispensable. The tendency to purchase a certain product differs from one culture to the other. In this regard, changes in cultural values have an impact on consumer behaviors. For instance, the purchasing tendency of a particular product is based on the cultural need to satisfy a certain need (Latif et al., 2019).  Culture is associated with what the society considers as a necessity or a luxury and hence affecting consumer behavior. Additionally, culture dictates the dress code for various occasions and places. Literally, the kinds of clothing worn to churches, schools, homes, and work are associated with cultural values.

Specific Examples of Organizations Marketing To These Changes in Cultural Values.

The changes in cultural values initiate changes in the marketing mission statements, web site contents, and print advertising. For instance, the mission statements for Coca-Cola has been to refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit. However, with the increasing cases of obesity in the US and UK, the sales volume indicated a decrease by the year 2016 due to the sugary content in the products. In this case, the company launched the Coca-Cola zero sugar drink in 2017.

Accordingly, in the past decades, cultural values demanded that people dress in official attires such as suits while going to work, weekdays and casuals on weekends (Latif et al., 2019). However, there is a changing trend in a culture that casual attires are acceptable at all times and hence their sales have increased drastically compared to the past years.  In this regard, the trend has changed and the marketing strategies for the clothing industry are more focused to promote casual attires than the official ones, unlike in the past.

Additionally, Calvin Klein Company in America founded in 1968 was best known for producing quality men and ladies’ suits. However, in the recent past, the company has resolved to produce the best women jeans and other casual wear to meet the current market demand for casual wear (Chegini, Molan & Kashanifar, 2016). Products such as microwaves are considered as a necessity in American society, while as a luxury in other societies. As a result, the tendency to purchase microwaves in America is higher than in other societies.

The opinion of How the Company Uses the Understanding of Changing Cultural Values to Create and Implement Its Marketing Strategy

The response of the companies to the changing cultural values is commendable.  Such a response indicates appreciation to changes in cultural values and hence adjusting to these changes. I think that such responses are necessary as they designate the company’s flexibility to market dynamics. Adjusting marketing strategies to match the changes in cultural values can yield a company great returns because the company grasps the opportunity as it opens and the probability to retain the captured consumers for a long time is viable.  For instance, some consumers are allergic to consuming coffee directly and while they still require caffeine, the assurance of getting it in the morning soft-drinks can increase the market share for the companies (Sarich, Zaman & Misra). Similarly, understanding consumer perception in a certain society makes it easier to re-establish the marketing values in accordance with specific societies.

Discuss Of Each Example Using Specific Information.

In 2016, Coca-Cola recorded a drop in sales by 1.9% which initiated massive changes in its products. The company re-launched Coca-Cola’s zero sugar which led to an increase in sales in 2017(Sarich, Zaman & Misra). Further, in a 2017 press release, Steve Shiffman – CEO of Calvin Klein noted a consumer revolution trend that prompted the need to create culturally relevant products through fashion design (Attract, 2018)). The brand is focusing on evolving the traditional luxury fashion model by connecting with various communities (Attract, 2018).  Additionally, the microwaves were initially targeted for the “high-class” consumers who needed it for luxury. However, an increasing trend to view this product as a necessity has changed the marketing strategy of the producers. In regard to the Indian market, while most classes of people do not understand the benefit of using the microwave. As a result, the theme of promotion for the “White’s Appliance” company has changed to include “Specially made for Indian kitchen” slogan which lures the customers to tune their interest towards the product.

The paper has featured various trends in consumer behavior in relation to cultural changes.  Cause-related marketing (CRM) forms part of a company’s corporate social responsibility policy. The paper discussed the marketing strategies of the Coca-cola, Calvin Klein, and White’s Appliance companies.


Attract, H. C. K. S. C. (2018). How Calvin Klein’s Digital Marketing Campaigns Attract A New Consumer Market. ELON JOURNAL, 5.

Latif, K., Pitafi, A. H., Malik, M. Y., & Latif, Z. (2019). Individual Cultural Values and Consumer Animosity: Chinese Consumers’ Attitude Toward American Products. SAGE Open9(3), 2158244019871056.

Sarich, R., Zaman, R., & Misra, C. Discussion and analysis of the marketing strategy of Coke Zero in the US market. MERICI, 45.

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