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April 18, 2023

Decision-making During Healthcare Crisis

Decision-making During Healthcare Crisis

Answer the following questions about the article Ethical decision making during a healthcare crisis: a resource allocation framework and tool. Use the following link to access the article: https://jme.bmj.com/content/early/2021/05/21/medethics-2021-107255

  1. Does the title clearly indicate what the research or study is about? Can you relate it to Decision Making through the title? Explain
  2. Conduct a research on the first three authors. Report on their professional and academic qualifications and state if they have previously published on this topic. If not, try to explain how they would fit on this topic and in Decision Making in general.
  3. Is the problem or the research questions/problems presented researchable? Is the problem leading to this publication important to justify this study?
  4. How can the information in this study be applied to healthcare administration?
  5. Is the aim of the study clear and shows what the study wants to achieve?
  6. Is there any framework or theory of Decision Making used or applied in any way?
  7. Do you find the information/data used relevant to the aim/question of the study?
  8. Are the study results relevant to Decision Making processes?
  9. Do you agree with the conclusions made by the authors?
  10. Did the authors put emphasis on the most important results of the study?
  11. What are the two weaknesses and two strengths of this study? What would you have done to change this study, why?
  12. In the conclusion, were there any new perspectives on the subject matter that were presented?

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