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December 19, 2023

Decision-Making in Competitive Business Landscape

Decision-Making in Competitive Business Landscape

A business requires to have core competencies in its industry to attain success. Core competencies define the strengths that identify business and that provides healthy competition. This paper describes the core competencies of RouteOne Apparel which is an e-commerce platform in New York that makes affordable and fashionable accessories and attire for fun-wearing clients.

What are RouteOne Apparel’s Core Competencies?

The core competencies of RouteOne Apparel include goal-orientation. The company has specific goals such as releasing about 15 new fashion designs in a month. The company has identified the zeal for the consumers to wear fashionable designs and hence targeted to release new ones regularly to meet customer satisfaction.  The other core competence is a wide market share. The company has employees that work cross-state at many sales and promotional events hence reaching more potential customers. Additionally, the company collaborates with various local icons that promote its prominence. The ability to seize new opportunities is also a core competence. The company aims to expand its business to Maryland and beyond. For instance, RouteOne has added a retailer outside Maryland and focuses to expand its products too.

What are RouteOne Apparel good at, and how might a competitor to them position themselves.

The company is good at seizing new opportunities for expansion. For instance, they have identified the need to expand their products in Maryland to meet the market competition. If a competitor was to challenge them, they would need to follow their updates through their articles and social media to identify their weaknesses and maximize them. Additionally, the competitor could identify the new markets seized by the RouteOne Apparel and venture into them ahead. In deciding whether to join the company or its competitor, various questions would need to be addressed.

  • Does the company has long-term goals?
  • What are the company’s core competencies?
  • How does the company address a highly competitive market?
  • What is the company’s public brand image?

On what basis would you make your decision?

Choosing to work for RouteOne Apparel or the competitor requires a thorough investigation of various things.  In this regard, various questions need to be considered. For instance, what benefits are given to the employees? This requires one to consider a competitive income. Of course, one is likely to consider the company that pays better than the other and cares for the employees’ welfare. What disciplinary actions are taken against the employees in case they err? The disciplinary actions should be considered based on the intensity of the mistakes in question. What motivational tools are used on the employees? Such tools may include higher wage rates, bonuses, or paid leaves.

Describe the core competencies of the company you selected to the best of your ability.

Advaark is an advertising company in New York. The core competencies of the company include creativity in advertising products. Such creativity allows their clients to achieve a broader market share as they win more customers through advertising (Waite, 3) Additionally, the company helps the clients to make decisions on whether to venture into new markets or not. Ideally, the company explores a lot and the employees have skills to assess the future of businesses. In this regard, they advise their clients on the best opportunities to invest in.

Creative communication is another core competency of Advaark. Ideally, every industry has specific writing styles and Advaark deploys writers with knowledge of various potential industries for writing different adverts (Waite, 10). Creative communication is also achieved through innovative thinking to deliver the clients’ messages in the desired manner. Additionally, the company has established a strong relationship with the media which enables it to gain customer return on marketing investment. Such constant contact and communication have helped the company to gain more insight into the specific needs of the clients and hence promoting a brand’s image effectively.

Advaark has maintained the culture of innovation which attracts more creative employees. Accordingly, the company acquires the best employees who produce competitive adverts and hence widening the market share (Waite, 6). Based on such an innovative culture, the company is estimated at $1.3 in the United States, with a projected growth rate of 16% in the following five years (Waite, 9).

Generally, the core competencies of a business play a key role in maintaining the clientele and enhancing the brand image. Such competencies include innovation, a strong communication network, and effective utilization of new opportunities. The paper has described the core competencies of Avaark, an advertising company in New York.

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