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April 8, 2023

Decisions on Building a Rural Hospital

Decisions on Building a Rural Hospital

The Scenario

Imagine that you work for a private hospital system in the state of Georgia. Recently, you have been placed on a team tasked with studying whether or not to build a new hospital in one of the state’s many rural areas. It is not immediately clear where such a hospital should be built, or even if it should be built at all. Your team lead has put you in charge of answering this question: Should our company build a new rural hospital in the state of Georgia? If so, where should it be built?

The Text

You may study this question in any way you wish. In doing so, you’ll probably need to keep in mind some key criteria: cost, where existing hospitals are located, the timeline of building one, any laws that the company must follow, etc.

Regardless of your research process, you will present and explain your answer in a 500 word document. By “explain,” I mean that you need to tell your team lead why you have determined whether/where to build a new hospital. What factors did you consider? Why did those factors lead to your decision?

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