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September 14, 2022

Defining Adulthood by Cultures

Defining Adulthood by Cultures

How cultures define adulthood vary dramatically. For some, adulthood may be religious celebration milestones and for others it may be based on a physical change or event. In still others, it may be based on legal factors such as, chronological age or marital status.

For this Discussion, you will explore cultures and factors that establish adulthood. Also, you will examine the value and limitations of utilizing indicators to define adulthood.

To Prepare
  • From your Learning Resources, select two cultures in relation to one factor that may mark adulthood.
  • Search the Internet and/or the Walden University Library to select an additional scholarly article related to at least one of the two cultures and the one additional factor that mark adulthood to support your Discussion post.

Post, describing the two cultures in relation to the one factor you selected that may mark adulthood. Next, explain one potential value and one potential limitation related to the factor that define adulthood in both cultures you selected.

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