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April 4, 2022

Departments on a Typical Cruise Ship

Departments on a Typical Cruise Ship

Cruise International Information link

CHAPTER 1: Welcome to Cruise International, Inc.
1. Identify the different departments on a typical cruise ship. Identify the type of personnel needed in each department. (Learning Objective 1.1)
Virtual Company Departments

CHAPTER 2: Getting Acquainted with Cruise International, Inc.
2. Based on your understanding of CII’s Mission Statement, identify which of the four competitive priorities discussed in Chapter 2 you think CII should emphasize. Remember that the competitive priority is how an organization wins customers. Any organization must perform at least adequately on all four competitive priorities. (Learning Objective 1.1) Link

  1. How would you measure productivity at CII? Is productivity measurement important to CII? Be very specific with your response. Try to determine the implications of any productivity measure that you propose. (Learning Objective 1.2)

CHAPTER 3: Service Packages and Processes at Cruise International, Inc.
4. Draw a process flow diagram illustrating the different steps a guest goes through to receive one specific service, such as embarkation, arranging shore excursions, etc. (Learning Objective 1.2)

CHAPTER 4: Supply Chain Management at Cruise International, Inc.
5. Consider the different activities or services in CII’s supply chain. Describe which activities might be better outsourced than done internally by CII. Describe the key issues to consider before outsourcing a service or activity. (Learning Objective 1.3)
6. Purchasing, a major function in SCM, is critical in the cruise line industry. Describe the potential conflicts of interest or ethical issues facing the purchasing function of this global operation. (Learning Objective 1.3)

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