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December 4, 2023

Designing Effective Learning Assessments

Designing Effective Learning Assessments

Post-training evaluation for Selling Skills Training Program based on the Kirkpatrick 4-level Evaluation Framework

I recommended lecture, role play, and exercise training designs for different activities for the Selling Skills Training Program. In connection to various activities included in these designs, I propose the level 2 of the Kirkpatrick 4-level Evaluation Framework. In this level, the trainer seeks to assess the degree to which the participants acquired the intended outcomes based on their participation in the learning event. Level 2 entails evaluation of the learning achievement based on the trainees’ response or outcome results. In this level, the trainers would assess if the participants learned anything by considering their immediate change in attitudes, skills, and knowledge. For instance, the lecture design for acquiring product knowledge allows the trainer to ask general questions at the end of the sessions. These include questions such as what the trainee learned during the previously unknown training. Further, the trainer can use pre-and post-training quizzes that pose knowledge about the training materials. Additionally, the trainer asks the trainees to respond to questionnaires concerning what they think they acquired during the training.  This level also allows the trainees to demonstrate what they learned through interviews or requesting them to respond to quizzes one at a time.

For upselling and cross-selling skills, the exercise design allows the trainers to demonstrate how to engage them. Level 2 entails demonstrated learning, whereby the participants will attempt to express the skills learned and apply them in real-world situations. In this case, the trainer will analyze if the participants increased their knowledge and skills. In other words, the level determines if the participants developed their mindset and expertise in dealing with customers and helping them to make informed decisions.

Finally, the role-play design consents with the level 2 of learning since it fosters critical thinking and creativity. At this level, the trainees can be given a chance to demonstrate their skills to assess the learning objectives’ achievability. For instance, the trainer can test the skills that participants possess at the beginning of the training and compare them with the skills at the end of the session. The comparison of the results provides a basis to assess the level of achievement of the training’s intended goals.

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