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May 15, 2023

Effects of Cannabis Use on Students

Effects of Cannabis Use on Students

The use of cannabis by students has raised great concerns over the last decades. The research paper requires students to use presented research methods to produce a paper that addresses a relevant social problem with research support (The use of cannabis by students). Examples of social problems, as introduced in any chapter of the text, are racism, sexism, poverty, crime, violence, urban decay, increasing globalization, and international conflict. As this is not an exhaustive list, students can identify additional issues (i.e., racial profiling, gang violence, bullying) as long as it is approved by the instructor and supported by current research. Once identified, students are to prepare a 15 page paper of the issue and should include scholarly research sources to support their explanation/description. The paper includes: a title page, Introduction, statement of the problem, hypothesis & theory, methodology section inclusive of the analytical model. The final paper will conclude with a conclusions section and reference section in APA format. Once the paper has been approved the student will design an approved research poster that is to be used for the presentation period during the final presentation period as outlined in the course schedule above. Students must submit both the research paper typed and the poster to receive full credit for this assignment.

The use of cannabis posits several effects of cannabis use on students, particularly those who are in school or college. It is important to note that research on cannabis is an ongoing field, and new findings keep on emerging. Some of the effects include:

  1. Cognitive Impairment: Cannabis use can affect cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. Regular use, especially in high amounts, may lead to decreased academic performance and learning difficulties.
  2. Motivation and Engagement: Frequent cannabis use has been associated with reduced motivation and decreased engagement in academic and extracurricular activities. This can lead to a decline in overall academic achievement.
  3. Mental Health: Cannabis use has been linked to an increased risk of developing or exacerbating mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, especially in vulnerable individuals. Students dealing with mental health problems may find it more challenging to focus on their studies.
  4. Risk of Addiction: Adolescents and young adults who use cannabis are more susceptible to developing cannabis use disorder or addiction. Addiction can negatively impact their ability to prioritize academics and may lead to an overall decline in personal well-being.
  5. Impaired Driving: Cannabis impairs motor skills and reaction times, making it dangerous for students who drive under the influence. This poses significant risks not only to their safety but also to the safety of others on the road.
  6. Legal and Disciplinary Consequences: In many places, cannabis use is illegal for individuals under a certain age. Students caught using cannabis on school grounds or violating local laws may face legal consequences and disciplinary actions from the educational institution.
  7. Social Interactions: Cannabis use may lead to changes in social dynamics among students. Some users may isolate themselves from peers who don’t use cannabis, potentially affecting their social and emotional development.

It is important to remember that individual responses to cannabis use can vary, and not all students will experience the same effects. Additionally, the frequency and quantity of cannabis use can play a role in determining the impact it has on an individual. For students, focusing on their education, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and making informed decisions about drug use are crucial for their overall well-being and academic success. If a student is facing challenges related to cannabis use, seeking support from family, friends, or a professional counselor can be beneficial.

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