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February 24, 2023

Enhancing Patient’s Confidentiality

Enhancing Patient’s Confidentiality

Many times in the practice of medicine, you will be called upon to keep the decisions of minor confidential from their parents. In this scenario, you have followed your workplace policy and kept a minor patient’s decision confidential. The parents later find out.

After reading one of the following articles, write a letter to the parents of a minor explaining why you did not inform them of their minor child’s decision in seeking birth control or in having an abortion.
Minors’ Behavioral Responses to Parental Involvement Laws: Delaying Abortion Until Age 18

Colman, S., & Joyce, T.. (2009). Minors’ behavioral responses to parental involvement laws: delaying abortion until age 18. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 41(2), 119-26. Retrieved November 5, 2010, from Research Library Core.Many times in the practice of medicine, you will be called upon to keep the decisions of minor confidential from their parents. In this scenario, you have followed your workplace policy and kept a minor patient’s decision confidential. The parents later find out.

After reading one of the following articles, write a letter to the parents of a minor explaining why you did not inform them of their minor child’s decision in seeking birth control or in having an abortion.
Minors’ Behavioral Responses to Parental Involvement Laws: Delaying Abortion Until Age 18

Colman, S., & Joyce, T.. (2009). Minors’ behavioral responses to parental involvement laws: delaying abortion until age 18. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 41(2), 119-26. Retrieved November 5, 2010, from Research Library Core. (Document

Dear Parent

I hope this finds you well. This letter concerns your minor child’s decision in seeking birth control services. I regret the actions taken by your minor without your consent to seek birth control services. As the parent, I am aware of the agony that you experienced upon realizing that I, as the medic involved, was aware and withheld the information from you. In this regard, I am sorry for the news and wish to explain it further to you.

Firstly, the medical services provided are covered by laws that require confidentiality to be upheld and kept only for the clients. Based on the workplace policies, it is illegal to disclose one’s personal health information. For instance, under the HIPAA Privacy Rule, it is illegal to disclose a client’s secrets to anyone regardless of the relationship they hold with each other (Talib, Silver & Alderman, 2016). In this regard, disclosing the minor’s decision would prompt my career in troubles because the law would hold me responsible. Also, it would lead to the loss of trust to many other clients if they discovered that I am unable to keep client’s confidentiality and this would even affect the entire organization.

Additionally, from the interview with the minor, she requested that the matter be kept highly confidential and hence I had no alternative. I explained to her the need for your involvement but then she feared that you would confront her hence requested me to keep it a secret (Colman & Joyce, 2009).  The minor felt that informing you of her decision would also prompt you to stop the action which she felt was necessary for her.

Having explained that, I hope you will understand the situation and treat the minor with respect and love. I regret any inconveniences caused by the above action.

Yours faithfully,

Medical Practitioner.



Colman, S., & Joyce, T. (2009). Minors’ behavioral responses to parental involvement laws:

delaying abortion until age 18. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health41(2), 119-126.

Talib, H. J., Silver, E. J., & Alderman, E. M. (2016). Challenges to adolescent confidentiality in

a children’s hospital. Hospital pediatrics6(8), 490-495.

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