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February 28, 2023

Enticing Customers to Purchase

Enticing Customers to Purchase

You are teaching a basic marketing class (think MKTG 301) in 2024, five years from now. You are providing an introductory overview to your students about what in marketing has changed and what is the same.

As you write, remember that you are not a typical customer. You are a product of your generation, but other generations have lots of buying power. How are all the different generations enticed to buy products or services? Is it the same as it was in 2020?

Back up what you say with solid facts and data, not just your opinions. You may add a citations page.

You will only have two pages, approximately 1,000 words, 1.15 spacing (not 1.5), written in 11-point Calibri (or other sans serif font) with 1- inch margins on all sides, to present your thoughts.

Expectations: As a teacher, you engage your students through telling good stories, providing good examples of how the world has changed, so and engage the tutor. Give an explanation as to why marketing evolved to become what you describe. Think through what you want to say and get to the point but include enough information to understand the context. Be specific.

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