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April 14, 2023

Establishing a Manufacturing Unit

Establishing a Manufacturing Unit

Arrec International Company is a South African Company. The Company is considering establishing a manufacturing unit to produce TV sets in Tanzania which has been the main destination for its exports over the last five years. Setting up of the manufacturing plant will involve an immediate investment outlay SAR 10 million. The plant is expected to have a useful life of 5 years with no salvage value. For taxation purposes, the company has to follow the straight line method of depreciation. To support the investment in Tanzania, an additional working capital of TZS 100,000,000 is needed. Other relevant information on the project follows:

Land                                                    TZS8,000,000

Production per annum                         1,000 units

Variable cost per unit                          TZS200,000 of which:

Raw Materials per unit                        TZS50,000

Labor                                                   TZS100,000

Overheads                                           TZS50,000

Other Fixed Costs per annum             TZS200,000,000

Selling Price per Unit                          TZS700,000

The South African is subjected to 40% corporate tax rate in Tanzania and its cost of capital is 20 per cent. The exchange rate between the TZS and SAR has been very volatile due to unstable interest rate policies in the two countries. The current exchange rate between the TZS and the SAR is TZS50/SAR. Interest rates are expected to be as follows in the next five years:

Year                                                      Tanzania                                            South Africa

1                                                               5%                                                           6%

2                                                               7%                                                           6%

3                                                               6%                                                           5%

4                                                               8%                                                           6%

5                                                             10%                                                           8%

South Africa imposes no taxes on cash profit remitted from abroad.


Assuming that all profits can be repatriated, advise Arrec regarding the financial viability of the proposal.

Capital budgeting analysis for a foreign project, like the one proposed by Arrec International Co. above, is considerably more complex than the domestic case i.e. if the company were to invest in its domestic country. Outline the main reasons contributing to increased complexity in evaluating foreign projects.

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