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April 6, 2023

Ethical Decisions for signing Contracts

Ethical Decisions for signing Contracts


Respond to the three ethical scenarios outlined below. Your responses should be a minimum of 250 words each and include a discussion of proper ethics in communication. After you have posted your responses to these scenarios, review your classmates’ posts and respond to a minimum of four of your classmates.  Responses should be a minimum of 80 words each and be more than just “I agree”.  Be thoughtful and professional to your classmates.

  1. You’re about ready to sign a big new client to a contract worth over $50,000. Your boss is under a lot of pressure to increase sales. He calls you into his office and tells you his job is on the line, and he asks you to include the revenue for your contract in the sales figures for the quarter that ends tomorrow. You know the contract is a sure thing but the client is out of town and cannot possibly sign by tomorrow. Discuss how you would handle this situation. Be specific in your response.
  2. While in the restroom, you overhear your boss telling a colleague that Bob is going to be laid off soon. Bob is a good friend of yours. Do you tell him? Explain your reasoning in specific detail.
  3. One of the newest salespeople in your division is a real goof-off, never showing up for work on time, distracting other people with his antics and so on. You complain about him to your boss, who tells you the kid is the son of the company president. Your boss instructs you not only to leave the new guy alone but also to make his sales numbers look good by throwing him some no-brainer accounts. What do you do? Be specific.
  1. https://mycourses.spcollege.edu/d2l/le/content/338885/viewContent/14142316/View
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHzL4PJIKLw
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izXuboAZzCM

In this scenario, I would not include the revenue for the contract in the sales figures for the quarter that ends tomorrow, even if my boss is pressuring me. Doing so would be unethical and dishonest. Instead, I would explain to my boss that the contract cannot be signed by tomorrow, and the revenue cannot be counted in this quarter’s sales figures. I would also explain that rushing the process could harm the company’s relationship with the client and possibly lead to future legal issues. Furthermore, I would suggest exploring other ways to increase sales, such as reaching out to potential clients or increasing marketing efforts. It is essential to maintain integrity and honesty in all business dealings, and I would not compromise my ethical principles for the sake of increased sales figures.

Ethics in communication is critical in this situation. When communicating with my boss, I would use clear and concise language and provide specific details to support my reasoning. I would also listen actively and respectfully to his concerns and provide alternative solutions. It is essential to maintain professional relationships and avoid engaging in confrontations or emotional outbursts.

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