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August 31, 2022

Ethical Violations for Prosecutors

Ethical Violations for Prosecutors

The chances that you will face ethical dilemmas in the workplace are almost certain. This is true for defense attorneys and prosecutors too. It’s important to practice proper discretion. How will you analyze and solve the ethical dilemmas you face? Read and reflect on the Ethical Dilemmas exploration activities each week to help you complete this activity.

Assume you are a law student studying a case in which a serial killer has been accused of committing five murders of female students at a university in a major city. You have been asked to summarize ethical violations that may be committed by either a prosecutor or defense attorney engaged in this trial.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word brief describing the ethical issues for prosecutors and defense attorneys. Answer the following:

What types of ethical violations and punishments have been associated with prosecutors and defense attorneys?

What are the explanations for prosecutorial misconduct? Provide real-world examples of prosecutorial misconduct. The Jodi Arias case is a great example of a prosecutor stretching the limits of what is proper conduct and what is a clear violation.

What role might discriminatory practice based on race, ethnicity, religion or sex play in such misconduct? Provide real-world examples.

Should attorneys be punished more or less than the standard criminal defendants? Explain your answer.

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