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December 22, 2023

Ethics of WWII Bombing

Ethics of WWII Bombing

Argumentative Research Essay on the use of Atomic Bomb during World War II

The Second World War is termed as the bloodiest which claimed the lives of millions of people. The war initiated the invention of atomic bombs by the US to conquer Japan which proved successful by crushing Hiroshima City and Nagasaki. Although the atomic bomb was an effective invention, its use in World War II led to adverse human and environmental effects.

Fact 1

The use of atomic bombs caused adverse effects on human life during World War II. Atomic bombs contain strong heats, radioactive fallout, and radiation that vaporized people due to its intense nature. Its use in World War II led to the death of about 80,000 people instantly while more deaths occurred from the acute impacts of such radiations in the subsequent years (Atsuko et al. 515). The survivors of the bomb blasts suffered cancers due to radiation poisoning. Additionally, the radioactive compounds covered a wide geographical area and since they were non-selective, they affected both innocent people and children (Herbert 8). The bombs also destroyed property and buildings such that the survivors faced lots of challenges for lack of shelter and other necessities.

Fact 2

The environment was also greatly decimated by the atomic bomb blasts. The radioactive compounds released on the ground posed as a threat to the vegetation cover and plant life. Such prompted the land to be declared nuclear waste field where people were worried that nothing would ever grow in those areas (Carola). With low chances of plant survival, people faced hunger strikes and adverse droughts, hence making the land unsafe for human life. Water bodies were also contaminated leading to the destruction of marine life. Aquatic animals died from the contaminated water and their carcasses further made the water unsafe to support any other life.

Fact 3

Additionally, although the atomic bomb was used in 1945, the impacts have been felt by various generations over the decades.  For instance, the radioactive agents contaminated the soil and hence making it unproductive. This has discouraged human settlement on Nagasaki and Hiroshima for the lack of food from agricultural activities. Further, the survivors of the bomb incurred serious challenges because health facilities were destroyed and hence could not get treatment for their wounds, burns, and gastrointestinal infections.  The subsequent generations have also developed a fear of atomic bombs which deters them from exploring the benefits of atomic energy, on remembrance of such realities (Carola). People perceive atomic bombs as agents of massive deaths and hence assume laxity in exploration.

Fact 4

However, although the atomic energy is associated with massive loss of lives and property destruction, it has some benefits. For instance, radioactive rays are used in the treatment of cancer. The gamma knives used in killing cancer cells use the ability of atomic rays (Atsuko et al. 520).  Further, the atomic ability enables to destroy selectively the harmful tissues in the body. In regard to this, atomic energy plays a great role in administering treatment to chronic diseases. The atomic energy enables the scientists to address environmental issues such as climate change to maintain a sustainable living. Proper use of atomic energy technology also provides reliable electricity in various countries. Therefore, effective use of atomic energy has numerous benefits that promote the living standards of many people.


Summarily, the use of the atomic bomb in World War II caused adverse effects on humans, the environment, and subsequent generations. As such, it has remained questionable whether the US was justified enough to use atomic weaponry due to the massive loss of life and destruction of property that resulted. Although the atomic bomb was an effective invention, its use in World War II led to adverse human and environmental effects.

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