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May 15, 2023

Exploring and Understanding Human Brain

Exploring and Understanding Human Brain

The human brain argumentatively is the human brain – it remains relatively the same and is not subject to sudden leaps in evolution. In 1,000 to 1,250 words, do the following:

  1. Explain if there are still pathways to be explored in our understanding of the human brain.
  2. Analyze how the field of computer science could aide psychopathologist in understanding the human mind.
  3. Describe tools that could aide or treat those suffering from deviant or even criminal psychological conditions that you anticipate seeing in the future.

Provide five to seven peer-reviewed sources to support your claims. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Use the following template to complete your assignment.

Human Brain

Start the introduction here … You must have a clear thesis statement.

Leave all of the headings (including bold headings) in place – do not change or remove.

Taking content verbatim is not acceptable in academic writing. As such, as a matter of practice in my class, refrain from using direct quotes in your papers- Direct quotes are rarely if ever needed (less than 2-5% of your paper should be direct quotes and it’s better to avoid them altogether). Remember that “research” does not equal “using a direct quote”.  Focus on paraphrasing and synthesizing content in your own words to advance your writing and scholarship. When you paraphrase and synthesize, in text-citation and referencing is still necessary because you are acknowledging that the information you have included in your paper came from “somewhere” and that information is not “lay” knowledge to you.

Unexplored Pathways

Start text here… Explain if there are still pathways to be explored in our understanding of the human brain (include research support)

Computer Science and Psychopathology

Start text here…   Analyze how the field of computer science could aide psychopathologist in understanding the human mind.(include research support)

Tools and Future of Treatment for Criminal and Deviant Psychological Conditions

Start text here…   Describe tools that could aide or treat those suffering from deviant or even criminal psychological conditions that you anticipate seeing in the future. (include research support)


Start text here… (do not start with ‘In conclusion” or anything similar”)


Include a minimum of 5-7 references from GCU Library only in APA format.

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