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December 22, 2023

Exploring Financial Stability Privilege 

Exploring Financial Stability Privilege 

People have different privileges based on their social backgrounds. Privilege refers to unearned access to resources exclusively available to some people due to their advantaged social group membership. The purpose of this essay is to describe how I am privileged for being born in a financially stable family and the sociological implications of such privileges.

Diverse studies underscore that children born into families with stable financial resources often benefit from enhanced opportunities, including access to quality education and favorable business prospects. As a beneficiary of such privileges, I experienced advantages that individuals from less affluent backgrounds might not have enjoyed. For instance, despite not achieving exceptionally high scores in my high school examinations, I secured admission to a prestigious university. While the government could only subsidize tuition for students meeting specific academic criteria, financially secure parents enabled me to pursue higher education without financial constraints.

Various studies indicate that children whose parents and relatives have stable financial resources tend to grasp the best opportunities. Such opportunities include acquiring the best education and business opportunities. Such assumptions are true and having such a privilege, I gained some privileges that others from poor backgrounds did not have. For instance, while I did not score so highly in my high school examinations, I got an admission to an elite university. The government could only pay some percentage of university fees to the students who scored certain grades. The rest were to join minor colleges or pay for their full university fees. With financially stable parents, they obtained an admission letter for me and I pursued my education.

While society continues to encourage diversification in business inventions, some privileges still await me in the future, just because I have promising sources of income. For instance, I aspire to start my own company once I graduate. This will require some outside resources before the business stabilizes, and my parent’s resources are enough to support this idea, hence the privilege.

Summarily, having stable backgrounds poses as a privilege to one’s life. With stable resources, people enjoy some privileges such as education and business opportunities that poor people may lack. In this regard, my stable background has played a great role in my education journey and will still support my future career life.

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