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November 28, 2023

Globalization of Mass Culture

Globalization of Mass Culture

Globalization is the process in which the organizations enhance to start operating internationally and it is a good thing to embrace as it allows people interact in various ways and exchange cultural values which strengthen the mutual relationships among them. The exchange of cultural values is important to help people abandon the norms that do not add value to their lives and adopt the helpful ones from other countries provided they do not let their own culture to lose value (Rumford, 2013).  It helps people to get goods and services from other countries that their own could not produce hence advancing the lives of people and also creating more job opportunities for people hence decreasing the crime rates caused by unemployment. It increases interactions among countries which promotes business options and discovery of new markets for the products. For instance, it could be a great loss and of no value if the oil produced in the Middle East did not have global markets as those countries would not consume it all. Hence, globalization allows them to sell the extra oil to other non-producing countries and earn foreign income which is used to develop the countries’ other sectors.

Globalization allows the underdeveloped countries to interact with the developed ones hence gathering ideas on how to develop theirs. In turn, this leads to advanced education, health, and job creation hence eliminating poverty in the underdeveloped countries and the world at large. For instance, a country may be rich in natural resources but lack the manpower or the technological input to exploit them. (In Acred, 2016). Globalization will thus allow the country to hire experts from other countries to exploit the resources hence making them useful.


In Acred, C. (2016). Globalisation – good or bad?.

Rumford, C. (2013). The globalization of strangeness.

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