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June 15, 2022

Hamad Medical Corporation’s Competitive Position

Hamad Medical Corporation’s Competitive Position

Using the department of laboratory medicine and pathologist (DLMP) in Hamad Medical Corporation-Doha-Qatar  and with reference to relevant theory:

  1. Identify and analyse the competitive position of the organisation relative to other laboratories in the country (Qatar) and how this has been established.
  2. Critically consider whether and in what ways, it holds clear competitive advantages in the eyes of it’s target customers (note: you should consider concepts such as market segmentation, value propositions, perceptual mapping, differentiation and competitive advantage)

Critically consider whether, how and why DLMP  has managed to sustain a clear competitive advantage (or not) in it’s target market segment(S) over time (you should consider concepts such as the dynamic marketing environment, consumer needs, attitudes and behaviors, differentiation, value propositions, positioning, repositioning, “red queen strategies, branding and relationship marketing)

  1.  Critically consider the main threats to the organisation’s competitive advantage and what strategies it might employ to develop and sustain a competitive advantage over its competitors in the future (again , you should consider concepts such as the dynamic marketing environment, consumer needs, attitudes &behaviours, differentiation, value propositions, positioning, repositioning, “red queen strategies branding and relationship marketing)
  2.  critically consider how and why this position might need to be changed in the future, in response to anticipated changes in the competitive environment (e.g. macro-environmental trends, the structure and nature of the industry, consumer perceptions, wants, needs &behaviours, and the nature, power and actions of competitors), and how the organisation might achieve this.

 Essay Specifications: 

You will be assessed on theoretical knowledge and understanding, application of theory to/in the specified context, critical thinking and argument, independent research and reading, structure, presentation and clarity of communication.

The laboratory industry has undergone serial transformation especially on the onset of technology. Such has encapsulated the image of the healthcare sector due to the wide range of services provided by the industry. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the crucial contribution of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathologist (DLMP) in Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) in Qatar. HMC has acquired international prominence following its high quality of healthcare services and adherence to the legal requirements. A good percentage of such prominence is contributed by its DLMP as discussed in this essay.

Identify and analyze the competitive position of the organization relative to other laboratories in the country (Qatar) and how this has been established.

Hamad Medical Corporation is a modern healthcare facility in Qatar that offers a complex and specialized care to patients. Its sufficiency in clinical services has played a critical role in acquiring a strong competitive position, and especially through its department of laboratory medicine and pathologist (DLMP) (Hasan Burjaq 2020). One of the factors that attain it a strong competitive position against the others in the state is the fact that it is a referral laboratory. By this, it means the facility enjoys benefits acquired from an extensive network developed by having more clients. In other words, the facility receives numerous clients seeking specialized and complex laboratory services, hence increasing the returns on investment. As such, the laboratory enjoys additional income due to the sparked demand for its elegant services in conducting millions of tests for numerous clients (Hasan Burjaq 2020). Such strengthens the organization’s financial position, and hence its ability to invest in research and development for advanced skills in service provision. For instance, DLMP did approximately 17 million tests in 2014 which is an enormous number compared to other laboratories (AL-Badwi 2014). Further, the laboratory is responsible for the supply of blood in Qatar and undertakes diagnostic testing such as genetic assays and rapid response tests. Blood is vital to support human life, and costly at the same time. The increased need for blood transfusion for chronic disease patients initiates the need for a trusted dealer. With the trust of blood supply accorded to DLMP by the Qatar government, the organization is poised to enjoy a monopolistic structure in this business. Such yields numerous benefits such as more clients, hence more revenues. Such competitive position was acquired through DLMP’s accreditation by the College of American Pathology (CAP) following its qualifications in meeting the applicable standards thereof (AL-Badwi 2014)

Critically consider whether and in what ways, it holds clear competitive advantages in the eyes of its target customers (note: you should consider concepts such as market segmentation, value propositions, perceptual mapping, differentiation, and competitive advantage)

The Department of laboratory medicine and pathologist (DLMP) holds clear competitive advantages in the eyes of customers in various ways. Firstly, it is through the value proposition through which the department seeks to convince clients why they should trust their services. For instance, the organization’s mission is to deliver high-quality care and services with the utmost compassion. The laboratory personnel ensures this through continuous improvement and investment in research and development to attain quality service delivery. Such is evidenced through the department’s completion of a comprehensive inspection by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) in 2014 accreditation. Such affirmed the department’s achievement in high performance and stringent proficiency in testing, staff qualifications, quality control of procedures, and safety programs. Acquiring such a clearance was vital to assure the clients of its commitment and ability to offer high standard services in the laboratory needs. Such aligned with Hamad’s strategic position to provide the safest integrated clinical care system to the patients. Further, data integrity is a vital component in reserving patient’s records. While this is a major challenge in numerous hospitals, the DLMP helps to minimize medication complications to patients by maintaining patient records with more data to ease identification. The department assigns an identification number as a unique identifier for patients to be used by the hospital for medical administration. Such helps to avoid duplication of identities which could complicate the medical procedures. As such, clients are assured of receiving relevant treatment based on their conditions free from data corruption. The staff in DLMP also work collaboratively with the nursing staff to identify the points of testing and care. Such assures the clients that medication would only be administered after thorough laboratory testing to ascertain the underlying conditions and hence make relevant recommendations.

Critically consider whether, how, and why DLMP has managed to sustain a clear competitive advantage (or not) in it’s target market segment(S) over time (you should consider concepts such as the dynamic marketing environment, consumer needs, attitudes, and behaviors, differentiation, value propositions, positioning, repositioning, “red queen strategies, branding and relationship marketing)

DLMP has managed to sustain a clear competitive advantage in the target market segments following various factors. Firstly, the department’s staff are committed to getting enlightened with the evolving consumer needs in the healthcare market. In essence, as new generations evolve, with new lifestyles, more kinds of disease pop up and hence the need for advanced laboratory services. DLMP occupies this gap through intensive and continuous research and development to align with the evolving healthcare needs. In this regard, the department can diagnose a particular health condition and hence facilitate the opportunity to discover the relevant medication.  Further, the department strives to attain customer satisfaction by upholding the corporation’s mission and values. Further, a core responsibility of HMC is the development of health networks in Qatar to provide healthcare services to the general community. In this regard, the department participates in providing free testing facilities to help identify various diseases suffered by the community. As the department carries out the tests, it aids to improve the brand image of the corporation by poising it as a facility that is committed to providing quality services to the community.

Critically consider the main threats to the organization’s competitive advantage and what strategies it might employ to develop and sustain a competitive advantage over its competitors in the future (again, you should consider concepts such as the dynamic marketing environment, consumer needs, attitudes & behaviors, differentiation, value propositions, positioning, repositioning, “red queen strategies branding and relationship marketing)

Hamad Medical Corporation has maintained a strong competitive position against the competitors. However, despite its strengths and opportunities, the organization faces critical threats that should be addressed to maintain the position. Such include the need to balance the traditional and modern methods of treatment. Qatar is generally an Islamic state which upholds stringent religious values and with the current wave of modernization, it is possible to compromise such values. Accordingly, the current enlightened patients demand health care services to align with the modern techniques (Samuel & Novak-Weekley 2014). As such, the organization is tied between maintaining the static religious values and those of the modernization era.

Further, high competition is the other threat faced by the organization. Recently, the organization is threatened by Al Zahrawi Medical Supplies and Sidra Medicine which specializes in healthcare for children and women. While HMC is a general hospital, Sidra’s focus on a specific demographic group poses a threat in terms of clientele magnitude to HMC. Such is because customers tend to perceive Sidra’s concentration on women and children as a potential for quality treatment of the groups’ health conditions, then HMC which has to cater for all the demographics. To address this threat, it is recommendable that HMC divides its hospital segments into divisions that deal with specific clients. Such would help to maintain the brand image and client dimension by assuring them of special healthcare services. Gulf Lab, a diagnostic center also poses competitive threats to DMLP of HMC due to equipping with the current advanced technology in the radiology, laboratory, and Computed Tomography (ST Scan) (Lippi et al. 2016). In this regard, HMC should invest more in research and development to ensure that DMLP acquires the most modern equipment for laboratory services. The staff should also be trained regularly to keep at par with the relevant skills and knowledge in the field.

Critically consider how and why this position might need to be changed in the future, in response to anticipated changes in the competitive environment (e.g. macro-environmental trends, the structure, and nature of the industry, consumer perceptions, wants, needs & behaviors, and the nature, power, and actions of competitors), and how the organization might achieve this.

In essence, the health care needs of the current generation may be different for those for the future generation. Such is due to the consistent alteration in the complexity of diseases that require advanced technology to carry out tests and services.  According to Hasan Burjaq (2020), the future will consist of large supra-regional laboratory networks due to consolidation. In essence, the need for laboratory centers may decrease due to the ability of virtual services by the physicians to the patients. As such, DLMP should perceive these trends and implement the relevant adjustments. Such should be emphasized on refocusing tailored the services to specific population segments including the elderly. The staff should focus on dealing with demand management and provide additional consultative services regarding testing. These will help to acquire an extensive array of clients who may not need to visit the facility physically. Therefore, the organization needs to equip the staff with quality control skills to eliminate unnecessary testing, reduce errors, and address global harmonization challenges.

Further, the organization’s current strong financial position enables it to invest extensively in research and development while training the laboratory staff to enhance skills and knowledge. Nonetheless, the future may require the department to invent cost-effective operations due to the trend to consolidate laboratories into core laboratory models and unify independent hospitals into health systems. An example of this trend is the Calgary Laboratory Services (CLS) in Canada (Lippi, Bassi & Bovo 2016). On this note, Hamad Medical Corporation can lose the mandate to operate laboratory services alongside medical care services. As such, the future may require healthcare organizations to provide specified and in this case laboratory services be left solely to other industries.

Additionally, the shortages of laboratory staffing are evidenced by the lack of proper training and consistent changes in consumer demands. Such shortages are deemed to become rampant in the future and hence poising ineffectiveness in Hamad Medical Corporation’s performance, just like in other healthcare organizations. To curb this problem, it will be necessary for the organization to minimize the staffing needs through the automation of services. Pathology and radiology services could be provided remotely (Al-Badwi 2014). Besides, HMC may opt to outsource laboratory services to other countries that offer sophisticated services at affordable costs. Further, the organization can address the staff shortage by recommending home tests to reduce the volumes in the DLMP.

In retrospect, DLMP plays a significant role in enhancing the performance of HMC in the healthcare industry. In this regard, HMC has maintained high-end performance through various strategies such as research and development, market segmentation, value proposition, customer satisfaction, and behavioral change. The paper discussed these competitive strengths and possible measures to address threats such as high competition. Changes in laboratory trends are also expected to change following dynamic consumer needs. Also, the measures to address these future trends were discussed, and how to adopt relevant policies.


Al-Badwi, R, S, 2014, ‘Scope of Standardization of Recruitment Procedure at the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology-Hamad Medical Corporation’ (Master’s thesis). http://qspace.qu.edu.qa/handle/10576/3238

Hasan Burjaq, M, H, S, 2020, ‘The Assisted Conception Unit in Hamad Medical Corporation: An Overview, Achievements, and Future Directions’, of4, p.2, http://scientonline.org/open-access/the-assisted-conception-unit-in-hamad-medical-corporation-an-overview-achievements-and-future-directions.pdf

Lippi, G, Bassi, A, and Bovo, C, 2016, ‘The future of laboratory medicine in the era of precision medicine. J Lab Precis Med1(7), pp.1-5, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Giuseppe_Lippi2/publication/311478781_The_future_of_laboratory_medicine_in_the_era_of_precision_medicine/links/584943fc08ae61f75de58b33/The-future-of-laboratory-medicine-in-the-era-of-precision-medicine.pdf

Samuel, L, and Novak-Weekley, S, 2014, ‘Commentary: The Role of the Clinical Laboratory in the Future of Health Care: Lean Microbiology’ Journal of clinical microbiology52(6), pp.1812-1817, https://jcm.asm.org/content/52/6/1812.short

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