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May 18, 2022

Healthcare Feasibility Study Topic of Focus

Healthcare Feasibility Study Topic of Focus

A detailed feasibility study is an essential element in the process of diligently assessing any new health services business venture. According to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the health care industry is currently one of the fastest-growing fields in the United States, and it is projected that the field will grow by 22 percent by 2018. This is compared to an 11 percent average growth rate for all other industries (United States Department of Labor, 2012). Whether you are considering new medical service lines, an expansion of your current operation, or any other type of healthcare business venture, a feasibility study is an essential planning tool for any future healthcare leader.

The topic chosen is “The Feasibility of a Patient-Centered Self Management System to Improve Patient Outcomes and Continued Care.”

Please read, “Initial Usability and Feasibility Evaluation of a Personal Health Record-Based Self-Management System for Older Adults” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4537150/). Reflect on the article and use it to aid you in answering the following.

Topic: Provide a brief description of the topic of the feasibility study.

Description: A brief description (250-500 words) of how the proposal will impact the quality, availability, accessibility, and affordability of care

List of Resources: A list of five scholarly sources that you plan to use as you complete your feasibility study and what information you will use from each source and at least three

Must be one to two double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style. Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style.

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