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November 14, 2023

Healthcare Information Systems for US and Canada

Healthcare Information Systems for US and Canada

This paper compares the healthcare information systems for the United States and that of Canada and the resultant outcomes. The paper examined the life expectancy at birth in both countries which refers to the average number of years that a newborn could be expected to live at a specific age mortality rate over a given period. It also investigates the fertility rate which is the number of births per 1000 women in a certain population and the birth rate which refers to the number of live births per 1000 women per year in a given population.

IndicatorsUnited StatesCanada
Life expectancy at birth m/f (years)7982
Fertility rate per woman in 20161.81.6
Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people)1211

The life expectancy at birth was higher in Canada than in the United States in the year 2016 (Shi & Singh, 2012). This implied a 3% life expectancy difference which meant that the newborns in Canada have the chances of surviving and living for more years than those in the US.

The fertility rate per woman was higher in the U.S than in Canada presenting a difference of 0.2 indicating that women in the US can have more children or they have more years before attaining menopause than those in the Canada (Shi, & Singh, 2010). The birth rate in the US is higher than in Canada presenting a difference of 2% which means that the number of the newborns recorded in Canada is less than in the US.

From the data collected, the high life expectancy rate in Canada indicates that the health systems are better compared to those for the US. This variance can be due to the difference in the amount of money spent in the healthcare by both countries. The US spend on health care was 20% higher than in Canada which meant that the Canadians were less prone to diseases than the Americans (Shi & Singh, 2010). This means that Canadian healthcare system offers better results and the health resources are distributed more equitably than the U.S system and that treatment of diseases can also be better in Canada than in the US.


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