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September 1, 2022

Healthcare Systems Leadership

Healthcare Systems Leadership

Part I

Please answer the following questions:

1. What is the impact of the DNP-prepared healthcare systems leader on the healthcare systems of today?

2. How do you anticipate integrating this role into your current or future career?

3. In your opinion, what is needed for successful professional identity formation in DNP students to achieve healthcare system leadership roles after graduation?

Part II: For Case Study Students

Please hear state your practice question in PICOT format to start. Please use the bullet points below as headings, bold the questions as headings, and respond separately to each question. Every week, please answer each bullet point.

PICOT question:

In overweight adult patients in a primary care clinic, what is the impact of implementing the American Heart Association Diet and Lifestyle recommendations, compared to standard care, on body weight in 8-10 weeks?

  • Discuss best practices for implementing evidence-based practice guidelines with citations and matching references sufficient to support your discussion.
  • Discuss strategies for overcoming barriers in implementing evidence-based practice with citations and references to support strategies.
  • Discuss your formative evaluation plan to check intervention fidelity.
  • In Week 2, your formative evaluation plan reveals a few staff did not implement the evidence-based intervention as intended. What is your next step?
  • In your simulated Case Study, some staff state, “I am too busy” or “I do not see a need for change since the ‘way we have always done it’ works fine.” How will you address this?
  • You identify that stakeholders were not included in the project planning meetings and are resisting change.  How will you work with these stakeholders to turn their resistance into support?
  • Thinking about a live implementation, are there additional resources that may be necessary for a successful implementation?   If so, what are those resources?

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