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April 8, 2023

History of Asian-American Interaction

History of Asian-American Interaction

For each of the Essay Questions below, you must answer it with a full paragraph.  A full paragraph is 6-8 sentences.

One and two sentence answers will be given 0 points.  Additionally, this is not a Cut and Paste exercise.

  1. Explain the history of Asian/Pacific American interaction with law enforcement and the government. Give specific examples.
  2. What are some of the myths and stereotypes of Asian/Pacific Americans? Why are they off base?
  3. Describe some of the characteristics of Asian/Pacific Americans families.
  4. Explain the communication style of Asian/Pacific Americans. Give specific examples.
  5. What are the key issues between Asian/Pacific Americans and law enforcement? What crimes are prevalent in the Asian/Pacific American community?
  6. What are some of the stereotypes and cross-racial perception of the black community? How do you think this impact relations with law enforcement?
  7. What are the key issues between the black community and law enforcement?
  8. What communication barriers exist between the black community and law enforcement? How does perception play a role in these barriers?
  9. How does the difference in perception of threats and aggressive behavior play a role in the relationship between the black community and law enforcement?
  10. How are efforts being made toward a positive relationship between the police and the black community?

  1. History of Asian/Pacific American interaction with law enforcement and the government:

Asian/Pacific Americans have a complex history of interaction with law enforcement and the government. During the 1800s, Chinese immigrants faced numerous discriminatory laws and policies, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, which prohibited Chinese immigration and naturalization. In the early 1900s, Japanese Americans were also subjected to discriminatory laws, such as the Alien Land Law, which prohibited them from owning land in California. During World War II, the US government forcibly relocated and incarcerated over 120,000 Japanese Americans, even those who were US citizens, based solely on their ethnicity.

In more recent years, Asian/Pacific Americans have also been targets of hate crimes, including the 1982 murder of Vincent Chin, a Chinese American, and the 2012 shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin.

  1. Myths and stereotypes of Asian/Pacific Americans:

Some common myths and stereotypes of Asian/Pacific Americans include the “model minority” stereotype, which assumes that all Asians are high-achieving and successful, and the idea that all Asians are quiet and passive. These stereotypes are off-base because they are based on a narrow and inaccurate view of a diverse group of people, and they ignore the challenges and experiences that many Asian/Pacific Americans face.

  1. Characteristics of Asian/Pacific American families:

Asian/Pacific American families are often characterized by strong family ties and a respect for elders. Many Asian/Pacific Americans also place a high value on education and achievement, and there may be pressure to succeed academically or professionally.

  1. Communication style of Asian/Pacific Americans:

Asian/Pacific Americans may have a communication style that emphasizes indirectness and respect for hierarchy. For example, they may avoid direct confrontation or criticism and may use nonverbal cues, such as silence or facial expressions, to convey meaning. Additionally, respect for authority and elders may be emphasized, and there may be a reluctance to challenge or question those in positions of power.

  1. Key issues between Asian/Pacific Americans and law enforcement:

Some key issues between Asian/Pacific Americans and law enforcement include language barriers, lack of trust, and cultural misunderstandings. Additionally, hate crimes and harassment targeting Asian/Pacific Americans have increased in recent years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Crimes prevalent in the Asian/Pacific American community include human trafficking, domestic violence, and fraud.

  1. Stereotypes and cross-racial perception of the black community:

Some common stereotypes of the black community include the ideas that all black people are criminals, lazy, or uneducated. These stereotypes are harmful and inaccurate, and they perpetuate systemic racism and discrimination. Cross-racial perception can impact relations with law enforcement because it may lead to biased or discriminatory treatment, such as racial profiling or excessive use of force.

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