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March 13, 2023

Impacts of Biblical worldview on the New-age Leadership Skills

Impacts of Biblical worldview on the New-age Leadership Skills

How Covey’s three resolutions might be utilized by the Christian health administrator to lead change.

Please answer each question separately. Each question must be 250-300  words each. Please be plagiarism free and also, make sure sources are  cited APA.

  1. Discuss how the Biblical worldview might impact new-age leadership skills desired for the 21st Century workplace.
  2. Discuss how Covey’s three resolutions might be utilized by the Christian health administrator to lead change.

  1. Impact of the Biblical Worldview on New-Age Leadership Skills:

New-age leadership skills in the 21st century workplace are centered on inclusivity, diversity, empathy, and emotional intelligence. The Biblical worldview can impact these leadership skills by providing a moral framework that is grounded in love, respect, and care for all people. The Christian worldview emphasizes the value of every human being and the importance of treating everyone with dignity and respect.

In addition, the Bible also provides guidance on effective leadership skills, such as servant leadership and leading with humility. Jesus is considered the ultimate servant leader who modeled selflessness and humility in his leadership style. Therefore, Christian leaders can use the example of Jesus to guide their leadership style and practices.

Furthermore, the Biblical worldview can also impact new-age leadership skills by providing a sense of purpose and direction. The Bible teaches that leaders have a responsibility to serve their community and promote the common good. Christian leaders can draw inspiration from this teaching and use it to guide their decisions and actions in the workplace.

  1. Covey’s Three Resolutions for the Christian Health Administrator:

Stephen Covey’s three resolutions can be utilized by the Christian health administrator to lead change in the healthcare industry. These resolutions are:

a) I will seek first to understand, then to be understood. b) I will create synergy with others to achieve mutually beneficial results. c) I will continually improve and renew myself and my organization.

The first resolution emphasizes the importance of active listening and empathy. The Christian health administrator can use this resolution to understand the needs and concerns of their employees, patients, and stakeholders. By listening actively and showing empathy, the administrator can build trust and create a more supportive and collaborative workplace culture.

The second resolution focuses on collaboration and teamwork. The Christian health administrator can use this resolution to build strong relationships with other healthcare organizations, stakeholders, and community partners. By creating synergy and working together, the administrator can achieve better results and improve the quality of healthcare services.

The third resolution emphasizes the importance of personal and organizational growth. The Christian health administrator can use this resolution to promote continuous learning and improvement. By investing in employee training and development, the administrator can build a more skilled and motivated workforce. Additionally, by embracing

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