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October 11, 2022

Implementation and Structural Solutions

Implementation and Structural Solutions

Use the two scripts as your resources. Review the two scenarios from the Instructional Design in Practice section of your media resources. Think about the different considerations for instructional design and implementation as presented in your resources. Write a brief description of the key considerations that need to be addressed during the implementation as outlined by the client and instructional designer. Then, using your resources to support your conclusions, evaluate how well the instructional designer addressed those considerations in the implementation of the solution. Include at least two things done well, and two things you would have done differently. Consider the following about the case study presented:

  • What is the need the client has identified?
  • What steps did the instructional designer indicate she took to gather the information she needed to design, develop, and implement the solution?
  • How well does the solution proposed by the instructional designer address that need?
  • What implementation considerations were important to the client?

• How did the instructional designer address those considerations in the proposed solution?

  • What is the need the client has identified?

The need includes poor rapport with the CSR. In this case, Linda notes that the customer poises an interest in buying a product, and the CSR would fail to adjust the pricing with the new product to match the amount the customer is willing to pay. Instead, they quickly quote the price of every item, which puts off the customers and eventually walks away.

  • What steps did the instructional designer indicate she took to gather the information she needed to design, develop, and implement the solution?

In gathering the information, the instructional designer first identified the business problem, which is poor customer relationships. She then discussed this with a colleague to determine the possible causes and the potential solutions. The next step included bringing in the CSRs and going through all the product lines to demonstrate the idea and design the document with learning objectives. The audience followed the procedure and then presented it to Linda for approval.

  • How well does the solution proposed by the instructional designer address those needs?

The proposed solution solves the challenge effectively. The training of the CSRs on strategies to approach the customers through e-learning is a commendable solution. As the CSRs are presented with scenarios and using the software, they would practice better strategies to approach the customers. In other words, training on customer relationships plays a crucial role in ensuring the CSRs learn new ways to talk to customers and establish good relationships.

  • What were implementation considerations important to the client?

A crucial consideration included training a section of CSRs to ensure that others remained to handle the customers. Taking all the CSRs off the floor at the same time would mean the clients to be left without attendants, hence stagnating the business operations. Another consideration was to ensure the training essentially aimed to enhance customer satisfaction in all dimensions.

  • How did the instructional designer address those considerations in the proposed solution?

The instructional designer suggested training a third of the CSRs while two-thirds remain on the floor to attend to the customers. She also included the evaluation plan, which would indicate the improvement level in the practice of customer relationships. The CSRs would take a test at the end of training to assess their ability to do new activities.

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