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February 4, 2023

Implications of Image Manipulation

Implications of Image Manipulation

Is it art or technology? Ethics or aesthetics? Interpretation or lying? Image enhancement or cheating? When is image manipulation appropriate? What is the limit? Who gets to decide? What about using filters to post photos on social media like Instagram? What about removing red eyes from photos? How about manipulating images for marketing purposes? Political purposes? Or pure ideological propaganda? Does your view change if the manipulation is done by an individual vs. a company such as a magazine publication or a political organization?

For your posting (14pts):

Image manipulation can be both art and technology, and can have ethical and aesthetic implications. The use of image manipulation can enhance or alter the reality depicted in a photo, and this can raise questions about truth and honesty.

The appropriateness of image manipulation depends on the context and the intent behind it. For example, removing red eyes from a photo may be acceptable as it enhances the quality of the image, but using filters to drastically change the appearance of a person or object could be seen as unethical.

The limit of image manipulation is subjective and can vary depending on the audience and purpose. Some may argue that minimal alterations are acceptable, while others may believe that any manipulation is deceitful.

Ultimately, the decision on what is appropriate or not falls on the individual or organization creating and using the image. However, there are some guidelines and codes of conduct in place, such as the ethical guidelines set by professional photography organizations.

In the case of image manipulation for marketing or political purposes, it becomes even more important to consider the ethical implications as the images can be used to influence and manipulate public opinion. The same applies to images used for pure ideological propaganda.

Whether the manipulation is done by an individual or a company such as a magazine publication or a political organization can also play a role in determining its acceptability. Companies and organizations have a greater responsibility to maintain transparency and truth in their representations, as their images can have a larger impact on public opinion.

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