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May 15, 2023

Importance of Harrison Narcotics Act

Importance of Harrison Narcotics Act

Answer the following questions in a full paragraph, and in your own words. Each answer will be graded on a 0-3 scale, for a total of 30 points.

3–Response is comprehensive, accurate and complete, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the concept.

2–Response is not comprehensive, accurate or complete, and demonstrates some understanding of the concept.

1–Response is not comprehensive, accurate or complete, and demonstrates very little understanding of the concept.

0–Response does not demonstrate any understanding of the concept

  1. What is important about the Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914?
  2. What are Schedules I through V? Give an example of two drugs from each schedule.
  3. Summarize and tell me what you personally felt about the section on drugs and religious freedom.
  4. Alcohol is a drug.  What is prohibition and what is Temperance?
  5. What are the elements of DUI?  When can DUI be a felony?
  6. What are the 4 crimes are under the heading, Obstruction of Justice?  Name and briefly explain each one.
  7. Explain resisting arrest and give an example.
  8. What is Compounding and misprision of a felony?
  9. Explain and give an example of Bribery.
  10. Explain and give examples of criminal contempt and civil contemopt

The Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914 was an important piece of legislation in the United States that aimed to regulate and control the production, distribution, and sale of certain narcotics and drugs. It was primarily focused on addressing the issues related to opium and cocaine.

Schedules I through V are classifications used by the United States federal government to categorize drugs based on their potential for abuse, medical use, and safety considerations. The schedules are as follows:

  1. Schedule I: These drugs have a high potential for abuse, no accepted medical use, and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision. Examples include heroin and LSD.
  2. Schedule II: These drugs also have a high potential for abuse, but they have some accepted medical uses. They may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. Examples include cocaine and morphine.
  3. Schedule III: These drugs have a lower potential for abuse compared to Schedule I and II drugs. They have accepted medical uses and may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. Examples include anabolic steroids and ketamine.
  4. Schedule IV: These drugs have a lower potential for abuse compared to Schedule III drugs, accepted medical uses, and a limited risk of dependence. Examples include Xanax and Ambien.
  5. Schedule V: These drugs have a low potential for abuse relative to Schedule IV drugs, accepted medical uses, and a minimal risk of dependence. Examples include cough preparations containing codeine.


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