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December 6, 2022

Improving Employee Retention 

Improving Employee Retention 

Discussion Question 1 

Imagine that you have a 3-employee office/apartment management company. They have all asked for increases in base pay. Maureen, 42, is a part-time business contracts manager and secretary; she gets $2200 a month. Buzz, 28, oversees building maintenance and rentals for the 4-story family-owned business office directly above your office. He also manages nine apartment buildings within the area. He gets $4,750 a month. Margaret, 36, handles legal matters and has responsibility for resolving all escalated tenant complaints as well as evictions. She earns $6,400 a month. Respond to the following.  (A 2-page response is required.)

  1. Outline a formal pay plan for your three employees using Dessler’s 5-step process. In Step 2, Job Evaluation, use the ranking method to evaluate compensable factors.
  2. Describe the five (5) methods Dessler presents to perform a job evaluation, highlighting the advantages of each method.

Discussion Question 2

Over the last 40 years, federal legislation has redefined personnel management in organizations. Discuss the following:

  1. Describe the effect of the following legislations on organizations: Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
  2. Show how these changes are “good business,” that is, how they benefit the organizations and not just the employees within those organizations.

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