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January 16, 2024

Informatics and Dose Determination

Informatics and Dose Determination

Discussion 1

Thank you for your awesome discussion. The arguments about how informatics or data mining evidence is connected to your capstone project are effectively presented. I agree with your argument about the legitimacy of informatics that it is the evidence collected about patients to improve their care and HIPAA privacy can be maintained without compromising data quality (Moghaddasi, 2017). Using informatics in your DNP Project to determine the doses of antiplatelet medication for aspirin is of great importance. This is because informatics will enable the identification of the correct aspirin doses for stroke prevention.  Additionally, identifying the correct doses is quite important to avoid further health complications to the patient if the doses are too low or high (Moghaddasi, 2017).  I support your choice of patients with a history of the primary ischemic event as the population of the study. The elimination method used was also appropriate to include both males and females with non-hemorrhagic stroke event history, as well as the exclusion of patients who died within the research period.

I commend the two extremes 81mg to 325 mg daily doses of aspirin for the study because such a range is enough to determine the appropriate dosage. The first article you included is of great importance for your DNP Project. The article provides an insight into the value of using informatics in a study. While the article concerned the determination of secondary stroke prevention, its information is important to assess the risks associated with relying on regional markets for medication regimes (Rhoads, 2016). The second article mentions the cases of strokes and prevention methods using informatics which sheds some light on the DNP Project. However, I agree with you that the article’s information is of less significance on your project because it majorly focuses on the potential of informatics.


Moghaddasi, H. (2017). The Influence of Informatics on Nursing Care and Professional Development. JOJ NHC4(3), 555639.

Rhoads, S. J. (2016). Nursing informatics. Healthcare in a virtual world. Nursing Management, 47(8), 18-19. Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.southuniversity.libproxy.edmc.edu/eds/detail/detail?vid=3&sid=edebaebe-e1bd-47a3-831a-98242be790d9%40sessionmgr120&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=117431128&db=rzh

Discussion 2

The value of using Evidence-based Practice (EBP) in clinical research is awesome. I agree that EBP is very vital in making clinical research because it provides the opportunity to make logical, reliable, and valid decisions. As challenges facing healthcare services such as high death rates and medication errors arise, EBP allows nurses and nursing students to make steadfast decisions (Singleton, 2017). The fact that the United States has increased attention in using evidence while making decisions that pertain to patient care to improve outcomes provides a better chance to consider using EBP in the DNP project. As such, your incorporation of EBP to the DNP project which analyzes the effects of obesity and how to combat it is very commendable. Using evidence-based practice is also an important approach to ensure that data is not biased and hence its authenticity is assured.

The criteria used on the participants including their height, blood pressure, food intake, physical activity, and body weight is creditable because obesity is associated with such deliverables. Further, I agree that insufficient physical activity is highly associated with obesity. This is because inactive bodies create room for unnecessary accumulation of fats hence attracting obesity. Active people record low rates of obesity as compared with people who assume long sedentary positions (Craig & Dowding, 2019). Using questionnaires as the data collection method was appropriate for you.  With questionnaires, the participants can answer questions with specific answers and hence provide a good basis to make comparisons. The method also allows the primary investigators to offer assistance to the participants if the need arises in answering the questions. Additionally, this method poses effective approaches to use in collecting data for evidence-based projects (EBPs).


Craig, J. V., & Dowding, D. (Eds.). (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Singleton, J., K., (2017), Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs and Implementation in Doctor of Nursing Practice Students, Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(5), 412-418.

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