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December 4, 2023

 Launching Training without Proper TNA

 Launching Training without Proper TNA

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a critical process that aids in identifying and assess an individual or organization’s training requirements.  The failure to conduct proper TNA before launching a training induces various drawbacks such as improper identification of performance gaps. An organizational performance relies on the collaboration of activities from different departments that contribute to its success. In this regard, if an organization performs poorly, it does not necessarily mean all departments’ failure. The problem could be from a small unit representing the entire organization. If proper TNA is not conducted, it is difficult to single out the actual problem which requires training.  In other words, this fosters the possibility to teach the right skills in the wrong way while wasting the company time and resources investing in areas that do not require such training.

Further, the failure to conduct TNA beforehand challenges deciding who requires the training (the audience analysis). In an organization, not all departments or employees would require training at the same time. Notably, employees would require training at different times based on their job position’s demands, roles, and responsibilities. In this case, the failure to conduct TNA necessitates the company to train the right people at the wrong time, causing inconveniences and poor performance.   This implies the wastage of time and resources trying to impart knowledge to people who do not require it at that specific time.

Besides, the lack of TNA leads to a lack of criteria to assess the training’s effectiveness and results. With TNA, the management eventually identifies the individuals who need training. Such means that the number of employees trained at a particular time would be few and manageable enough to assess their eligibility and delivery of outcomes after the training. In other words, if TNA is not conducted, it would be difficult to determine whether the training yielded any viable results.

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