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February 28, 2023

Leadership Theories and Reflection

Leadership Theories and Reflection

Both formal and informal leaders are found in all healthcare departments. To become a better leader, it is imperative to understand which leadership theory you identify with most and where you have opportunities for further development.

In this assignment, you will research leadership theories and determine which aligns best with your values and personality. Then, you will reflect on the leadership theory you chose and identify areas of growth to prepare you for effective healthcare leadership.

Step 1. Research
Use the ACE LibraryLinks to an external site. and other scholarly sources to research leadership theories. Locate 5 specific articles to use in Step 2. Consider the following questions to guide your investigation:

  • Does the trait perspective of leadership theory apply today in healthcare?
  • What are the differences among the theories of transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and servant leadership?
  • How does the path-goal theory apply to healthcare leaders?
  • In what ways are behavioral leadership theories used in healthcare today?

Step 2. Compare
Download and use the Leadership Theory Matrix  to compare the 5 articles you selected.

Step 3. Compose
Compose a 3- to 4-page literature review to summarize and critique the leadership theories. Include:

  • an introductory paragraph about your search parameters,
  • a comparison of the findings of the theories related to healthcare and/or quality of care and/or safety, and
  • a conclusion explaining major themes.

Step 4. Reflect
Compose a 1-page self-reflection explaining which theory best aligns with your values and personality and identify areas of growth to prepare you for effective healthcare leadership.

Step 5. Submit
Submit an APA-formatted document to include a title page, a 3- to 4-page literature review, 1-page self-reflection, and a reference page. Include your matrix as an appendix.


Leadership is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been studied extensively in the management and organizational behavior literature. Over the years, a number of leadership theories have emerged, each of which provides a different perspective on what it means to be an effective leader. This literature review provides a comprehensive overview of the major leadership theories, with a focus on their application to healthcare and their implications for quality of care and safety. The review includes an analysis and critique of the major theories, as well as a discussion of the key themes that emerge from the literature.

Comparison of Leadership Theories

Trait Theory

The trait theory of leadership posits that effective leaders possess certain innate personality traits, such as intelligence, confidence, and charisma. While this theory has fallen out of favor in recent years due to its lack of empirical support, some healthcare organizations still use personality tests to identify potential leaders. However, research suggests that personality traits alone are not sufficient predictors of leadership effectiveness, and that leadership is instead a complex interaction between individual traits and situational factors (Northouse, 2021).

Behavioral Theory

The behavioral theory of leadership suggests that effective leaders exhibit certain behaviors, such as task-oriented behavior (setting goals, monitoring performance) and relationship-oriented behavior (building trust, supporting team members). This theory has been applied extensively in healthcare, with research suggesting that a combination of task and relationship-oriented leadership is most effective for improving quality of care and safety (Cummings et al., 2018).

Contingency Theory

The contingency theory of leadership posits that effective leadership is contingent upon the situation, and that different situations require different types of leadership. For example, a crisis situation may require a more directive and task-oriented leadership style, while a more stable situation may benefit from a more participative and relationship-oriented style. This theory has important implications for healthcare, as the complex and rapidly changing nature of the healthcare environment requires leaders to be adaptable and able to adjust their leadership style to meet the needs of the situation (Yukl, 2013).

Transformational Theory

The transformational theory of leadership suggests that effective leaders inspire and motivate their followers to achieve a common goal by creating a vision, articulating clear goals, and fostering a sense of commitment and engagement among team members. This theory has been applied extensively in healthcare, with research suggesting that transformational leadership is associated with higher levels of employee engagement, job satisfaction, and patient outcomes (Cummings et al., 2018).

Servant Leadership Theory

The servant leadership theory suggests that effective leaders prioritize the needs of their followers over their own needs, and focus on serving others rather than on accumulating power or status. This theory has important implications for healthcare, where leaders are often called upon to put the needs of patients and their families above their own interests (Liu & Chen, 2018).


Retrospectively, leadership is a complex phenomenon that has been studied extensively in the management and organizational behavior literature. While there are many different leadership theories, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, a number of key themes emerge from the literature. These include the importance of adapting leadership style to meet the needs of the situation, the importance of building relationships and fostering employee engagement, and the importance of putting the needs of others above one’s own interests. Healthcare organizations can benefit from a better understanding of these themes and the application of these theories to improve quality of care and safety.

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