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November 28, 2023

Lifestyles of People of African Descent

Lifestyles of People of African Descent

The African lifestyle has been influenced by various factors such as intermarriages, trade interactions, and westernization. You will find that most Africans have abandoned their traditional lifestyles and adopted those of other continents especially the western ones (Okantah, 2013). I thought the people of African descent are defined by having women who work for themselves without having to depend on men and also men who are more civilized to engage themselves in the house chores. However, this conception has not changed much because I have learned that the modern African women are on toes to build their careers, unlike the ancient women who depended on their men to provide everything.

Nonetheless, the notion of having men engage in the house chore still remains a question as it depends on the cultural background of the person. Some cultures totally do not allow men to carry out house chores however willing they may be, while others do not have issues with this.  This course has enabled me to learn that the African lifestyle is shaped by various factors including work diversity, traditional norms, intermarriages among others. It is also mostly influenced by western culture due to interactions resulting from studying, trading, and touring. However, most of the government institutions have developed museums where the artwork is preserved to ensure that the traditional lifestyles are symbolized for references. This information helps me to realize that the modern African lifestyles could have been similar to the traditional one if it were not influenced by westernization (Ce, 2014). Thus, it is important that despite various interactions with other people, it is still important to maintain the traditional lifestyles as a pride for Africa and ensure the originality is not lost.


Ce, C. (2014). African Rhythms: New Approaches to Literature.

Okantah, M. (2013). Muntu Kuntu energy: New and selected poetry.

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