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June 13, 2023

Logical Data Model in MS Access

Logical Data Model in MS Access


The third stage of the project requires students to implement their logical data model in MS Access. Please, read carefully the instructions below before you start working on your project. You should submit your database file and a separate document with answers/explanations as requested below.

  1. Create the MS Access tables on the basis of the provided solution of “Project Stage 2”. In each table, define the primary key and foreign keys. For each attribute, define the data type, provide a field description, and define the field properties. For each table, there should be at least one validation rule and a corresponding validation text.
  2. Populate your tables with fictitious data entries; you should sufficiently populate your tables so that you can demonstrate your design (about 20 rows for events and 10 for agents and resources).
  3. Establish relationships between all the tables you created (based on your design). Make sure that you enforce the referential integrity in all your relationships.
  4. Create some queries and explain why these queries are important for managers/decision makers. You should have at least four multiple-table queries in your design, and three other queries. At least one of your queries should perform calculation using “Expressions” (as described in the MS Access book – see, e.g., pages 64-66 or 71 explaining how to use the Expression Builder in Query Design). Your queries will be evaluated based on the above requirements.5. Create at least three forms; one of which should be a form with a subform. Describe the function of each form, who would use it, and its purpose.
  5. Create at least two reports for management/decision makers; describe what benefits these reports provide for decision makers, and how often they will be used (see Chapters 4 and 5 of the MS Access book: pages 73-81 or 98-109).27. Document the existing internal control structure based on your current design. Control examples are provided in the “Sample Controls” tables in Chapters 12

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